I thought it would be fun to have a central place for all of the embroidery and sewing patterns I’ve made – for quick and easy searching and download! I’ll try and keep this page updated as I create new projects.
*Please keep in mind that all Flamingo Toes patterns are for personal use only. Do not transfer or sell the patterns, or items made from the patterns. Also, patterns are free for Flamingo Toes followers, so please choose to follow along in some way before downloading any pattern. Thanks!
Free Patterns
Find all my posts on quilts and quilt blocks here!
Hello, where is the pattern for the “End of summer wristlet”? I have been following links and all sorts of stuff but cant find the pattern. In August of 2010 you had said you would post as soon as it was fixed. I can sew pretty good, if you could just send me the old pattern, I think I can figure it out. I would like to make one of these for use when I go swimming at a friend house and don’t want to take my whole purse. Thanks so much!!
I’m with Lorri! I would love to attempt this. I’m a pretty beginner sewer though. But I would love to try this! Thanks!!
hi my name is kari amd I am just browsing the net for patterns at my sisters house while I am visiting her and I saw the pattern for the dish towels the can it one I was hoping if there was anyway you could send me this patteren in the mail because I am not able to copy at home I do not have email or copiers my address is 1816 n. sthwy 91 apt 1018 Denison tx 75020 I would love it if you could or would send more if possible thank you I am not able to receive emails at this time as well God Bess you and thank you
Hi, Just read your blog post about the cute Pom Pom Fold over Snap Clutch. There was a link for the pattern in the post but when I tried it, it brought me to a page with other patterns but not for the cute clutch. Where can I find the pattern?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Roxanne,
Sorry about that, it wasn’t showing up for some reason! I’ve refreshed the page and it’s there now – let me know if you have trouble seeing it. Thanks!
I wanted to try making the fabric envelopes but there are no instructions,just the pattern.are they easy enough that we can try to figure them out on our own.they look like they would be maybe thanks
Hi Esther – thanks for your comment! You can find the instructions over at Lil’ Luna, I shared the tutorial for the envelopes there. Here’s the link! http://lilluna.com/love-note-valentines-day-bunting/
Hi Bev, just happened upon your blog. I’m in Chicago, land of the chosen frozen. I love your ideas and can’t wait to try them out. Thanks!
The pattern link isn’t highlighted and therefore I am not able to get the pattern for the fabric envelopes. Could you please send me a functional link to the pattern piece by e-mail or as an attachment?
I love your “Flamingo Toes” typeface. Would you please tell me the name? Thanks. :)
Hi Bev,
I’m looking for your “You’re So Hot!” potholder pattern. It was featured on a sewing site, but the link is broken. And I can’t find it on your site in patterns or in your search box.
Hi Kay! Here’s the link to the post: http://www.flamingotoes.com/2011/09/a-little-pot-holder-love/ Sorry you had trouble finding it!
I am looking for the free crochet pattern for boot cuffs
Hi Bev, Just joined the group. Very nice blog. I would like to know if you have a pattren or tutorial for that beautiful polka dot blouse(gray) with the ruffle collar. I just love it.
Would love to see the pattern too!
I made several of your cute pot holders. It is so much fun. I got cotton
yarn to make more. Thanks for the pattern!!
I just found your website and would like to make the deer plaid dish towel pattern, but I can’t find it on the website. Can you help?
I really want to make your mug cozy, but can’t find the pattern on your “patterns” page. Please can you send me a link?
Hi Sharon! You can find a link to the pattern in the materials list in the post. Here’s the link: http://www.flamingotoes.com/2014/11/easy-cute-fabric-mug-cozy-tutorial/
Let me know if you need anything else!
I can’t find the cozy mug pattern. The link you posted above brings me back to this page. Would really like to make them. Please help! :)
Hi Amy! You can find the post and pattern here: http://www.flamingotoes.com/2014/11/easy-cute-fabric-mug-cozy-tutorial/
I can see the post but it won’t give me the pattern. The link for the pattern takes me back to this page and it isn’t here. Oh well!
Oh sorry! I’ll fix that as soon as I can get to a computer, we’re on the road right now. It’ll just be a few hours!
That would be wonderful! Thank you so much and have safe travels.
Hi Amy,
I’ve updated the post so the Mug Cozy Pattern link now actually goes to the pattern. :) Thanks again for your patience on that and let me know if you have any problems getting it!
I got it!!! Thank you so much for your help. Now to go make some for my mugs. :)
merci beaucoup pour toutes vos belles réalisations .
Trying to find the mason jar bouquet pillow pattern. Couldn’t find it. Can you email it to me? Thanks, Gena
[email protected]
The pattern is uploaded Gena, but I’ll email it to you now. Thanks for letting me know it wasn’t showing up!
im lookin for your Vintage Handkerchief Free Apron Pattern
and its not on your pattern link list could you send me the pattern?
Hi Lynne!
Here’s the link to the Handkerchief Apron – http://www.flamingotoes.com/2014/12/colorful-vintage-handkerchief-apron/ Thanks!
Thank you for sharing the cool ideas that you and others come up with. It’s so inspiring and lights a fire under me to take up again many of the crafting practices I had enjoyed in the past.
I believe you have an error on the directions for the Map Quilt Tutorial on the Fabric.com site.
Instructions say to “Place Alaska and Hawaii in the bottom right corner.” In the photo, Alaska and Hawaii are on the bottom left.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ll see if they can update that.
I am looking for your quilt top of the United States
cannot find map of us download…
Hi Florence,
If you scroll up to the top of this page, under the photo of the map is the phrase US MAP QUILT PATTERN. If you click that phrase, you will open the PDF of the pattern.
I’ve clicked on Printable USA map and it brings me to the page with free downloads but there is no map. HELP!!!
Hi Cilla,
The link to the map is under the photo of the Map Quilt, at the top of this page. Thanks!
Hope to make the US map quilt for my grandnephew and grandniece.
You are such a rock star!!!
Just printed off your usable map pattern. Thanks! Now, if you can just sell me some time to make it.
What is the finished size of the united states map quilt would love to make it into a wall hanging, but not sure of the size. Can I make the pattern smaller?
Jean M
What size printer paper for the USA quilt pattern map? My printer only has paper tray for letter size. Is “full size” meaning legal size paper?
Hi Barbara,
The map is printed on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper. I just meant that you want the printer settings to be at full size, not smaller or enlarged so the sizing of the actual states isn’t off. Let me know if you have any other questions!
I can’t wait to make this. Thanks so much for sharing the pattern!
Always wanted to try a US Map quilt; thanks much for the free pattern!
I cannot find the map quilt tutorial on the Fabric.com site. Could you give me a hint??
I love your site! and everything about it!! Can I come to your house and you can teach me all your wonderful skills :) !!!! Thank you for sharing your gift!
I just came across your site via fabric.com about your new Sewing Room quilt and I love it. I pin your designs all the time. I love every one of them. You’re a creative genius!
You are so sweet Taish!! Thank you for the sweet comment!
so crafty. I am sure the fabric exchange has so many choices of fabric for these kind of projects
Hi Bev,
So I’m looking for the free Pixilated Flamingo Pattern, & I keep clicking on what looks to be links, but I’m not finding it. What am I doing wrong?
I am a subscriber and can’t seem to get the pattern for the citrus ear bud zipper pouch
Hi Lori,
The pattern is in this post: http://www.flamingotoes.com/2016/09/diy-citrus-earbud-zipper-pouch/ at the bottom of the materials list. Thanks!
Just found your blog nd like the patterns especially the pixel flamingo….cannot seem to d/l the pattern….can you help….wanted to make it for great granddaughter’s 1st bday….she likes flamingos altho she doesn’t know it yet….
thanks for your help…
Can’t seem to download also!
I will email you the layout Linda. Sorry you’re having trouble!
Got your offer for the free flamingo quilt… I have tried numerous times to access it to download. Even subscribed to your blog, as it requested.. But when I click on get pattern download it takes me back to the free patterns index.. I adore this pattern .. Thanks for the pattern if I can get it
Good morning and happy Thursday. I’m here in Washington State and it is 12;21 on Wednesday the 28th of June. I copied the above post because I’m having the same problem.
Got your offer for the free flamingo quilt… I have tried numerous times to access it to download. Even subscribed to your blog, as it requested.. But when I click on get pattern download it takes me back to the free patterns index.. I adore this pattern .. Thanks for the pattern if I can get it
Would you believe that I’m from Washington state, too!!!
Just found your website…love it!! I especially love the SPRING RIBBONS AND BOWS TABLE RUNNER. wow!!
Have tried numerous times to download layout pattern without any success. Can you please help!!!
Thank you. Rosemary
Sorry about that Rosemary! I’ve updated the link to the layout PDF in the post: http://www.flamingotoes.com/2016/03/spring-ribbons-bows-table-runner/ Let me know if you aren’t able to open it.
I’m so glad you like the website!
All of your projects are cute but the U.S. map quilt is just adorable. Thank you so much for sharing.
found your site today. Will visit more
Hi Beverly! Your Pineapple Zipper Pouch is adorable! My 11 year old is going to attempt making it – first time for her to sew something with a zipper! I am having a difficult time trying to download the pattern. When I click on the link in the tutorial it takes me to your page with all your patterns which then takes me back to the tutorial. The pattern would be much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful designs!
Fabulous ideas and beautiful results! :)
I love the Valentine’s Day note garland. I can’t access the pattern for the envelope. When I click the link, it is a circle taking me back to Lil’ Luna.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Hi Mary! Sorry about that mixup! I’ve updated the post but you can also click here for the pattern: http://www.flamingotoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Love-Notes-Envelope-Pattern.pdf
Just found your “wee little gnome pom pom” – this is soo adorable. In the directions it has the hat pattern (which you can click on for the actual pattern) but when I click on that I just keep going back to the complete directions for the gnome – can you pls tell me how I can get the pattern for the hat for this cute little guy. Many tks.
Hi Helen,
Are you clicking on the Hat Pattern in the materials list in this post? https://flamingotoes.com/2017/11/wee-little-gnome-pom-pom-ornaments/ I just checked it and it opened the PDF pattern for me. If you aren’t able to get it to open it, let me know and I’ll email it to you.
Hi Bev have been trying to download this flamingo pattern for 2 days without any luck. Please could you help me as want to make this for my great granddaughter. Thank you Bev.
Karen Darling
It’s not possible to download the ‘free’ Pixelated Camper pattern. A message shows up that it takes some time… but it never happens.
Hi Beverly, I fell in love with your Houses Table Runner–very fun to make so I made three. Just posted the pic on facebook and got 481 Likes/Loves/Wows. I’m not sure if you can get in to see them but I did post your link because several asked where I got the pattern. Thank you so much for sharing this adorable pattern!
Thank you so much for sharing a link to the pattern Randi! That means so much to me!
Could you PLEASE send me a free pattern for the US quilt map to my email
Hi Bev! I was hoping I could get the link to the Flamingo quilt pattern. I’ve sat on the pattern page now for 1/2 hr and I still don’t see anything but comments, but no patterns. I don’t have the fastest internet, so that is probably the problem.
That flamingo is ADORABLE!
Hi Dawn!
I’m sorry you had trouble! You can find the free pattern to download in this post: https://flamingotoes.com/fun-flamingo-quilt-free-pattern/
The link is in the Materials section. Let me know if you need any more help!
where can I get the coin purse with gusset instructions to make
I love embroidery patterns on your site. The only question is: what should I do to be able to use them (just for personal use of course)?
Thank you, have a nice day,
What a wonderful complication of patterns and projects! So inspirational. I can’t wait to start! Thank you.
Just can’t believe the beautiful things you have posted to sew and or embroider, you must be a very busy person. There are a few that I will try my hand at, my problem don’t know what to make first. Many thanks!
Hi Bev;
I just found the 2023 Riley Blake Challenge sew a long. I’m not able to print your pattern from the pdf, it says I have to have a password from you in order to open the file. Could you please send me the password? I’d really like to try my hand at this quilt. It looks challenging. Thank you.
Hi Pat,
You don’t need a password. Maybe try the link in a different browser or device?