Are you nuts about succulents? I wasn’t for a long time but now I’m really loving them. They have such fun textures and I love the shapes of them! Plus, they are a little harder to kill than regular plants, and I’m all for that. :) This Felt Succulent Terrarium Hoop Art is so fun to make up and perfect for beginner or experienced stitchers!
It’s made up of some sweet felt and fabric succulents, all in a fun little terrarium. It’s a great stash busting project too – you can use whatever fabrics you have on hand since the pieces are so small.
The stitching is very basic as well. It would be a great starter project if you’ve been thinking about trying embroidery. So let’s get started!
Materials for Felt Succulent Terrarium Hoop Art:
(This list contains affiliate links.)
- 3 colors of green felt – very small pieces
- scraps of fabric for planters and stones
- small piece of DMC stitchable cork with gold flecks
- DMC Floss – colors to coordinate with your stones, planters and succulents, plus a pale blue for the glass
- fusible webbing (like heat-n-bond)
- pressing cloth
- disappearing marking pen
- 7″ embroidery hoop
- 9″ piece of fabric for background
- Succulent Terrarium Planter
Begin by cutting out all your felt and fabric pieces. To make this easier, cut out the pieces larger than you’ll need them. Iron a piece of fusible webbing to the back side of the fabric, then cut out your shape, making sure to cut the item out on the front of the fabric so it’s not reversed.
For the felt pieces, I recommend always using a pressing cloth, especially if you’re using polyester felt. Otherwise you’ll have a pretty little felt leaf permanently attached to your iron, and no one wants that. 🙂
Once your pieces are cut out, remove the paper backing from the fusible webbing. Place the terrarium planter pattern face up, then your background fabric on top of it. Using the pattern as a guide, place all your fabric and felt pieces in place. Place a pressing cloth carefully over everything and iron the pieces in place. Draw on the glass shape with a disappearing marking pen.
Place the fabric in the hoop – it’s time to start stitching! For everything on this hoop you’ll be using a simple back stitch. Outline the glass and all of your leaves with a back stitch. I added in some french knots on one of my planters, but that’s totally optional. Here are some handy stitching tutorials if you need them.
I left the cork piece without stitching, but you can stitch it in place if you’d like. The material is really soft so you can stitch through it easily.
Once you’ve finished sewing, trim the fabric around the edge to about a 1/2″. Glue the fabric to the back side of the hoop.
And that’s it! Now you have a little succulent terrarium hoop with all the fun of succulents and none of the worry about keeping them alive! 🙂
I hope you give it a try!
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Very cute. Thank you for sharing this with us. Who knew there was such a thing as sew able cork.
Could not find the kitchen post. Would love to read it, where is it?
Hi Virginia!
Here’s the link to the post: Thanks!