I just love zipper bags of all kinds and this Dresden Quilty Zipper Bag is so fun to make!

For these sweet bags I used the new Riley Blake Designs collection from Jen Allyson called Splendor, hitting stores this month! You know I can’t resist a great floral and when I saw these gorgeous pink and teal flowers I knew I just had to make something with it!

I’ve been wanting to make the Riley Blake Clear View Tote but since I can’t really get any vinyl right now, I thought a fabric version would be fun. I found a fun little bag from Lori Holt so I used her tutorial but added my own little spin on it.

These little Dresden Fans are so much fun to make and a great way to show off different fabrics in a collection! I changed the bags up a bit, for one I used Blossom in Rose Gold for the front background and for the other I used Swiss Dots in Mint. I changed up the colors in the Dresdens and the lining fabrics as well. I think these bags will be such fun little gifts!

You can find all the size cutting info at Lori’s blog, Bee in My Bonnet. Click here for her Quilty Zipper Bag tutorial.
For the background fabric under the Dresdens, I cut out a piece of fabric the same size as the front lining.
Here’s a quick quarter Dresden tutorial for you!
Download the Dresden Pattern Here.
Cut out from fabric:
- 5 Dresden Fan Pieces, of varying fabrics
- 1 piece 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ for quarter circle of Dresden
- 1 piece 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ of fusible interfacing for lining of quarter circle
Quarter Dresden Instructions:
- Place each fan piece right sides together, lining up the top edge. Sew a 1/4″ seam along top, straight edge.

2. Open out fan piece to create a point, the seam you just sewed will be on the wrong side of the fabric. Use a point turner to get a nice sharp point. Press the fan so the seam is in the center of the fan.

3. Sew the five fan pieces together. Place the second fan on the first, right sides together, and sew a 1/4″ seam along the right side. Open out the fans and place the third fan on the second. Sew the right seams together. Continue until all 5 fans are sewn. Press seams open.

4. Place the quarter Dresden fan on the bottom left corner of your front background piece. The top left fan should be about 1 1/4″ down from the top edge.
5. Trace the quarter circle outline onto the non fusible side of the interfacing with a disappearing ink marking pen. Place the interfacing on top of the quarter circle fabric so the fusible side of the interfacing is touching the right side of the fabric. Sew on the curved line. Trim along the curved edge 1/8″ away from the seam. Trim the two straight sides using the provided pattern.
6. Turn the quarter circle right sides out and finger press the edge. Place the quarter circle on the background front fabric, lining up the corner with the bottom left corner of the background fabric. Press the quarter circle in place, pressing the fans between the quarter circle and the background fabric.

7. Applique the Dresden pieces on as desired. I used a blanket stitch on my sewing machine but you could also do a blanket stitch by hand, a zig zag stitch, or a straight stitch!
Finish the bag according to Lori’s great directions.
For the quilting on the bag front, I quilted straight lines from the points and sides of the fan pieces, then did two rows of echo quilting. I love how it looks like little sun rays!

For my zipper, I tried out the continuous nylon zippers in Rose Gold from Sallie Tomato. And now I’m obsessed. Oh gosh y’all – these zippers are game-changers! You just cut the length you need and add a pull on – they are soooo easy to do! Plus you can sew over the nylon teeth so you don’t have to worry about that! I love them!!

I’m so excited about how these Dresden Quilty Zipper Bags came out! Look for Splendor fabrics in your favorite quilt shop soon!

This is soooo pretty, Bev! Love the dresden block so much on the front. The fabric is lovely too.
Sew darn cute, Beverly! I always love your color choices.
So pretty! I will have to make one soon!
What sizes did you cut the other fabrics?
Hi Linda,
If you’re referring to the sizes for the bag, you’ll need to click over and get all those measurements from Lori Holt’s blog. The link is in the blog post. :)
I thought I did that but it was Lori Holt explaining how to make a quilt