Hello friends! I have another fun Summer hoop art for you today! I just can’t resist these cute summery hoops – they are so fun to change out with the holiday hoops I put up. This Life is Sweeter With You hoop art is simple to make and it uses cute fabric from the new line by Simple Simon and Co – Just Add Sugar!
The Just Add Sugar fabrics are super cute and perfect for summer – they are all bright colors, citrus shapes – even the cutest little fruit flies in the world! I had to make up a hoop with them but I have another project coming in a couple weeks too. It’s such fun fabric to work with!
I made up this hoop with a combination of machine stitching and embroidery but you could do it all with hand embroidery if you prefer. It would be cute either way!
The cute prints on the fabric make the design really easy too – and so summery!
Here’s the free pattern and tutorial!
Free Life is Sweeter With You Embroidery Hoop Art Pattern
- 10″ square of white fabric for background
- DMC Black Embroidery Floss or Pearl Cotton
- Fabric Prints:
- When Life Gives You Lemons Print in Pink
- With a Twist of Lemon White
- Lemon Zest Pink
- Put the Lime in the Coconut Green
- 8″ embroidery hoop
- Heat-n-bond Lite
- Marking or Tracing Pen for embroidery
Begin by tracing the pattern for the letters onto the background fabric. Embroidery the letters with a back stitch. I used two rows of stitching on everything, then filled the larger spaces on “Sweeter” with back stitching as well.
Cut out the shapes for the rest of the hoop from fabric. I like to cut out larger pieces of fabric than I need, then iron on the fusible webbing to the back. Then cut out the designs – this gives more accurate shapes and you don’t have to worry about getting the fusible webbing exactly the same size as your shapes.
For the fabric pieces you’ll need two lemons (with leaves and stems) and slices of the lemons for the glass and rim.
Iron the fabric pieces in place according to the pattern.
Outline the shapes with free motion stitching around them all – or you can use embroidery.
I sewed around all the shapes twice and around the glass three times. If you sew more than once, you’ll get that sketched look and it will cover up any little places where your lines look funny.
Press everything and place your fabric back in the hoop. Finish the back of the hoop and add a little pom pom trim.
That’s it! So cute right?
I’d love to see a photo if you make one up!
Just Add Sugar is the newest line from the Suuuuuper talented Simple Simon and Co girls (I. Adore. Them.) and they’re posting all sorts of fun new projects with the fabrics! Head over to their blog to check out more projects in the blog hop. They’re also gathering up awesome citrus recipes and in their post today you can get my favorite pie recipe – Sour Cream Lemon Pie! It’s completely the best. I had it for the first time in high school at a place my grandpa used to take us but then that little cafe closed and sour cream lemon pie disappeared from my life. Fast forward a few years and after hearing me talk about the pie but never being able to find it, my sweet husband – who never bakes – looked up a recipe and made it for me for my birthday one year. It was the best! So there’s my rambling love story for Sour Cream Lemon Pie. And here’s the link to the recipe! :)
Here are some other projects you might like:
Sweet Home Embroidery Hoop Art
Hello Summer Retro Style Hoop Art
This is SO cute! I love your hoop and the way you attached the pieces — this is such a fun idea!
love it bev, and thanks for the step by step photos, so helpful! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!
Very fun fabrics and super cute hoop! Love the pom pom trim too. Visiting from Wonderful Wednesday party.
These designs are absolutely adorable!
So adorable!! I love the pom pom trim, it really adds to it!
Love this! Pinning!