This week in the Quilter’s Cottage Sew Along we are starting the row of “quilts” that are hanging on the line below the cottage! I am super excited about this – I think this little row of quilts is so sweet. So let’s kick things off with the Quilter’s Cottage Quilter’s Quarters block!

Isn’t it cute?! I am so excited to get to this little row of “quilts” hanging on the line. It’s fun to add in a few more fabrics from my Singing in the Rain collection!

I am also always up for a cute striped binding so I am using the three stripes in Singing in the Rain as the binding edges on all my little quilts. This one uses the stripe in aqua. And you can see the little clothespin pieces at the top of the quilt. These will be attached to the closeline section we’ll sew up later.

Quilter’s Cottage Quilter’s Quarters Block
It was easy to make up the blocks with directional fabrics! With the way that Lori writes the pattern, the blocks come out perfectly with directional fabrics. You actually make two sets of each hourglass section so I’m going to use the unused pieces to make a darling coordinating pillow!

I’m so excited to see this quilt come together. I think it’s going to be one of my favorites!
You can check out all the posts for the Quilter’s Cottage sew along weeks over at Fat Quarter Shop. And you can pick up Lori’s book! It’s not too late to sew along. You could also make a Fall or Christmas themed quilt. Wouldn’t a Christmas cottage be adorable?
Click here for the Quilter’s Cottage Info at Fat Quarter Shop
And you can check out my other blocks in the quilt here:

Where can I purchase the fabric for the quilt block. Singing in the rain?
It’s a darling quilt! I’m making one as well and am so looking forward to seeing it finished!