We’re stitching away with another block in the Jelly Snowflake Mystery Quilt Week 2! This week we have a sweet little star block that is fun and easy to sew up!

If you’re new to the Jelly Snowflake Quilt, this is a fun mystery quilt sew along hosted and created by the Fat Quarter Shop! Every week for the month of July they are releasing a block of the quilt. There are a few of us sewing along and each week a different quilter is hosting the pattern and video! This week it is my turn – you can find the pattern at the end of the post!

The quilt is perfect for 2 1/2″ strips or you can use yardage! That’s what I did – I’m cutting my own strips from this darling new Santa Claus Lane fabric. Since I am using yardage I was able to cut a print for the centers of my star blocks!

You will need to make eight of these little stars and they go together super quickly!

For this week’s blocks I chose the darker green prints in the collection. I think they really make the stars stand out! I didn’t worry about the directional fabrics – these stars will be turned in different directions in the final layout so I sewed them up so they’d look good in any direction.

This week I’m hosting the pattern for Week Two Blocks!
Click here for the Jelly Snowflake Mystery Quilt Week 2 Pattern
You can view the video tutorial here!

You can view my Week One blocks here!

Awesome, I have some yardage too so I can fussy cut my centers.
What is the yardage? I must have missed it,
You can find the information for fabric requirements here Deb. https://blog.fatquartershop.com/jelly-snowflake-mystery-quilt/
Nothing happens when I click on link for pattern 2. Posted on your blog just now in error block on. I have block one. But the link on this post doesn’t work for me.
Hi Beverly, the link is just above the video. Click on the text that says “CLICK HERE FOR THE JELLY SNOWFLAKE MYSTERY QUILT WEEK 2 PATTERN”. It should open the PDF in another window for you. Let me know if that doesn’t work. Thanks!
Doesn’t work for me either
I also can’t open the pattern. When I click on the link, nothing happens. I watched the video and tried to figure out the measurements myself
I clicked on the link and the pattern popped right up. Yipppeeeeee!!!!!!
Sorry about this ladies! Maybe try in another browser? I just checked and it’s working for me.
Ok….it worked!! Thank you!
Hi Beverly, thank you for the star pattern. I can’t wait to make them. FYI I didn’t have any trouble opening and downloading the pattern.
I Love the star pattern but I would like the star pattern for a 12″ star. Can you give me a diagram or cutting directions for this?
Hi Laura! You can find this block in a 12″ size in this post – there is a link to the free pattern in the post. https://flamingotoes.com/easy-sawtooth-star-quilt-block-rbd-block-challenge/
I also love the pattern, but try as I may, the link doesn’t seem to open.
Check your browser settings to make sure you’re allowing popups.
Is there a video for this block? My sister and I are doing this quilt together and loving it.
Oh, green! My favorite color, Christmas or not! Great looking stars.
usually I see a pattern placement for each block. I know where it goes, I just dont know what side to put the background piece on because I just see a block with nothing in it.,
Love your Christmas fabric choices! I just finished my blocks for #2 week, am doing the Jolly Bar Row Along too so I have to stay on task…
Do you have a link for the entire quilt so I can what it looks like. I feel like I am sewing blind ?..size of quilt??.
It’s a mystery quilt Linda, so they aren’t giving away the entire layout until the end. The finished quilt will be 50 1/2″ square. You can find a basic layout in this post – with the blocks numbers and how they’ll be laid out in this post at Fat Quarter Shop. https://blog.fatquartershop.com/jelly-snowflake-mystery-quilt/
I finished up your block yesterday and it was SO fun. My first flying geese I’ve ever made. Just wanted to say thanks for a fun block!