Hi friends! I thought it would be fun to celebrate the new year with a giveaway! It’s always fun to have some new fabric and notions, especially at the beginning of the year!

First for the giveaway I have a fat quarter bundle of Singing in the Rain! This is getting hard to find, so it’s especially fun! This bundle includes 24 fat quarters from my Singing in the Rain fabric collection. You could use it for any project, but it would be perfect for my Singing in the Rain quilt – especially with Spring right around the corner.
Next up is my brand new Flamingo Stiletto! This new tool is pefect for getting nice sharp corners on your points for bags, pillows, dresdens and more. Plus – it’s a cute little flamingo!

Next up is my Vintage Stars Quilt Pattern and Acrylic Templates!

This quilt pattern is so fun to sew up and the acrylic templates make it so much easier to cut out.
I hope this fun giveaway gives you lots of fun new projects to do this year! Enter on the giveaway widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveawayGiveaway is valued at $99 and open world wide and ends on Monday, January 18. Good Luck!
Your bright cheery fabric is much needed here. We’ve had day after day of gray dreary skies.
Thank you, I luv your site..
My first project is to finish up the quilt tops I started in 2020 which includes Singing the the rain. Love that quilt and fabric.
What a best breathe of spring … lovely fabrics
Cheery fabrics
First I want to thank you for the giveaway, and to wish you a safe and healthy New year. My first finished product of the year would be a quilt I just started, and the singing in the rain
Ditto! And to think we live in Florida where the sun is supposed to shine!
Thanks for your generosity!
Such bright, happy fabrics to get us through the dreary months!
I’m almost finished with a wool table topper from Primitive Gatherings. That would be my first 2021 finish. I love all things flamingo, so when I found your blog I signed up through Bloglovin.
My first project for 2021 are some silver storage bags for my silver bell collection.
I first want to thank you for this opportunity!
And I’ve already started a project. I am following Anne Brooke’s #sew4thesoul #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge this year – one tag a week!
Also, I follow your blog in Feedly if that counts for anything
Such fun ideas and possibilities! Love your site!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a great collection of goodness! I’ve made a few masks so this year
My first project for 2021 is a mini Dresden quilt in greens. I finished the quilting today and have the binding 3/4 sewn on. I have 4 more quilts ready for quilting. I need to get some UFO’s finished before creating more!
I am working on 2 Woven Star quilts. Not hard but I have to pay attention.
Cutting a new scrappy X plus cross quilt as my first project for 2021 – forcing me to organise my scraps as I go :-)
My first project of the year will be a scrappy quilt that will use a bunch of leftover from last year. Mainly in aqua and navy.
Starting the year finishing some quilts, including one I gifted my mom 2 years ago, before starting on some new projects.
Your singing in the rain fabric is so pretty – and I loved sewing the pattern with all the lovely blocks.
Singing in the Rain is a great bundle. I haven’t seen it before, but it sure does say Spring is on the way.
Your singing in the rain material will be perfect for some small projects I have in mind – pin cushion and apron.
So pretty.
I’m finishing up a Christmas embroidery and trying to get motivated to start my son’s graduation quilt!
My first project is a baby quilt for one of my friends who is going to be a first time grandma. She has no idea how much fun she is getting ready to have!!
Gorgeous bundle and a lovely giveaway. Thank yo7 for the chance to win.
I have lots of applique projects planned. Thank you for your generousity.
Singing in the rain fabric is very fun and reminds spring is coming!
What a great giveaway on a leak overcast January day! Singing in the rain is such a great way to get over the midwinterblues! Thanks for the chance! Love the pink flamingo stiletto!
My first new project of the year is a valentine quilt. I’ve also worked on a snowflake quilt that I started last year.
My first project is a T-shirt for my grandaughter in college. It is the 4th T-shirt quilt and only 10 more to go… It’s difficult to keep track of 14 grandchildren.
I’m finishing up binding on a quilt I just got long arm quilted and am excited to do the Serendipity quilt along with FQS come March!
I’m embarrassed to admit my first project is finishing up the star baker/ soggy bottom ornaments for my sister and making a big “ soggy bottom” for my kitchen – time got away from me and I didn’t finish them last year like planned. But I’m excited!!
This month I started making mug rugs. Would love to use your material. Thanks for your generosity.
My first project is a simple lap quilt for charity.
Thank you for the giveaway! My project will be to finish my valentine mini quilt.
I am going to do my first baby quilt!
Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the giveaway. I’d be thrilled to win!
Cute fabric and the flamingo is so cute
I already finished my first project, a quick tied quilt for my nephew-a “car blanket” for winter days for his 4th bday on January 6!
I made new pot holders for the new year! I was desperately in need of new ones!
Wonderful fabric quilt collection. Love this very much!!!
Would love to win the fabric as it’s just gorgeous !
My 1st project of the year is a scrappy baby quilt for my new granddaughter.
What a fantastic way to start the year. Very generous of you!
My first project of the year is finishing a mystery quilt I started in December!
Fun bundle of fabric! Would be great to win.
My first project is mending clothes! Not much fun!
Lovely fabrics which remind us that even on the darkest days of Winter, Spring sunshine, showers and flowers are heading our way soon
That flamingo stiletto makes my heart sing! Such a fun and cheerful fabric line. It would be perfect for a happy quilt gift.
My first project was one of Kim Diehl’s Simple Whatnots: Laugh Yourself Silly. So fun!
Lovely fabric collection any quilter would cherish
How exciting! That fabric is precious!
working on table runners & hot pads for Spring gifts to family!
I love the flamingo tool. I just saw the Christmas ornaments which I printed out when they originally came out. After the jelly roll rug I am working on, it is time I made one. I am a winter chalkboard design now too. Love all you light and springy fabrics.
Love your style! First projects are cross stitch gift for a friend’s birthday coming up and a plus squared quilt that I’ve had some of the fabric for forever. I found you through your Tea Rose quilt pattern when I was looking for something to make with New Dawn. That quilt is on the short list. Oh. And the Daisy panel … still thinking what to do… I should probably only do ONE at a time. Oy. Thank you for your inspiration and generosity in sharing so much with the quilting community!
Such happy fabric!!! I love it and your website!!!
My first project of the year is an EPP quilt from an A Quilting Life pattern. I also made a mug rug for Valentine’s Day with a crazy quilt heart appliqué on it.
Love everything Flamingo!!!
Happy New Year Bev! Thanks for sharing all you ideas and beautiful fabric (kbagility4me)
I’m starting about three new projects
Winter solstice with figtree, a baby blanket and I’ve got 4 tops waiting to be long armed! I’m crossing my fingers for this prize it’s fabulous
My first project is finishing up some hot mats I started. awhile ago and were supposed to be gifts
My projects I’m working on are all small . No quilts as of yet as much as I want too. I’ve been working on bags, wallets, and bowl cozies!! Thanks for all u do for us!!
I’d love to make a Singing in the Rain quilt this spring for after I put away my winter/Christmas quilts (yes, my Christmas quilt is still out!!) I’m currently working on a quilt for my daughter for her graduation with her bachelors degree! I love you fabric- it’s so cheery and fun!
My first project is replacing the curtains in my bedrooms. They are getting quite warn. Am also working on quilts for a few graduating grandchildren. Love your happy fabrics!
Such a fun fabric line!
I am so excited! I LOVE the flamingo stiletto!
Getting ready to start my first collage quilt.
My first project for the new year is a quilt for my 4th great grandchild.
This fabric is so cheerful. Love it. I’m working on a snowman project right now and would love to move on to something for spring.
You are too sweet! This is such a generous giveaway. I’ll be sewing up a quilt using Rose Lane. Our house needs a kitty quilt!!!
Awesome giveaway! I think this fabric line is too cute!!
Love this fabric line! Thank you!
I have so many projects to tackle….I’m thinking I need to make my Christmas quilts in January to ensure they get done in time!!!
M y first project will be to make 2 baby quilts for my daughter who is expecting twins in May.
I love this fabric!
My first project of 2021 is a winter wall hanging, then onto lots of baby quilts and burp cloths for my daughter who is expecting her first child this spring!
I love this collection! So bright and gorgeous! Great giveaway, thank you!!
This would be like sunshine on a rainy year!
I just finished a quick play apron for my 3 yr old who broke the one that came with her kitchen! I am hoping to make a quilt for my last kiddo this year since I have made ones for her big brother and sister.
I’m always such a fan of your fabric collections!
My First project will be a miniquilt with my word 2021 thank you the give away!
My first project of the year is some mini quilts to fill in a bare area in my sewing room! Just have the bindings to do and hang them up!
My first great-granddaughter needs a quilt from Nana!
I’ve loved this fabric since it came out! I wanted to sew in the Singing in the Rain quilt along with your Singing in the Rain Collection. Things don’t always go the way we want in life but maybe I can win this giveaway & sew the quilt anyway!
Such beautiful fabric! I love the Flamingo stiletto too!
I am working on the final blocks for my Moda Blockhead quilt top. I am ready to start something new after that.
My first project for the year will be sheers for the French doors of our home office. I’ve been putting it off for years, but it’s time!
I’m working on finishing up some UFO’s!
Beautiful collection. I could make many projects from them. I’m currently working on your Singing in the Rain embroidery either the two hoops. Love all your pattern so
I am finishing up Christmas quilts that just didn’t make it to done this year. I am also doing Christmas embroidery with my mom is Skype. I’m staying busy, looking forward to being with people later this year.
I am working on a Tula Pink post card swap as my first project of the new year. I’m really excited to find more creative time this year! Thanks for the chance to win And that flamingo stiletto is AMAZING!!
My first project is a Twin quilt for my granddaughter! It is made with Neverland by
Riley Blake.
I love your blog and your embroideries! Thank you for a lovely giveaway and the chance.
beautiful fabric …who will be the lucky winner!
Love all these fun colors and images ❣
What a great way to start the new year off!
I have some neck pillows that are late Christmas presents, so they’re first on my list. I’ve been having sewing maching issues, but hopefully they’re almost resolved.
Gorgeous fabric, perfect for this dreary time of year! The pattern and templates, so generous!
Fabric makes for a great giveaway. I am going to try to make a quilt for each grandchild for Christmas this year.
Love this fabric bundle!
What a nice thing to do Bev!! Good luck to everyone!!
I am finishing up a Mario quilt for my son.
Loved the siging in the rain quilt but never gathered up enough fabric to make it so winning this bundle would be a treat. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a beautiful springy stack of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
My first project this year was a quilt for my husband using Allison Glass fabric and a very geometric pattern. Not my usual but turned out great and he loves it!
You are so generous ❤ I love your fabrics
This is such a beautiful springy line! Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway.
My first project will be a scrap quilt to use some stash I think.
And such a beautiful bundle! You are very generous, thank you!
What a dreamy bundle of goodies! I love, love your beautiful designs! Your always full of inspiring ideas! Thank you ♥️♥️♥️
I’m finishing up my Star Baker ornaments , and binding a valentine mini quilt, and piecing together a quilt top for my daughter. I’ve got all the blocks made, just need to assemble it! I need to learn how to focus on one project at a time.
Singing in the Rain is so bright and Cheery! And, I love the Flamingo Stiletto. Thank you for a fun giveaway. ❤️
Love your fabric lines, such bright and cheery colors!! ❤️
I have started my Christmas quilt for 2021!! Then am going to do one of your patterns and the singing in the rain would be perfect!!
My first project, after finishing my quarantine quilt, will be something using my collection of thrifted shirts.
My first project this year is a cute Valentine table runner I received in a Fat Quarter Shop box last Valentines Day. I’m a little late doing it, but early getting it done for this year!, lol.
Awesome fabric. So bright & cheery,
I am so inlove with this fabric and your needle minders! Beautiful!
Beautiful fabric and love that stiletto!
My first project is a quilt top with some Tasha Noel fabric- top is done- backing and batting is purchased- now to quilt itnext in line is hopefully something with my singing in the rain boot fabric
My first project of the year is to sew a graduation quilt as she will be graduating in May.
Thank you for the opportunity to win these lovely fabrics and the cutest flamingo stiletto!
I just finished up binding a quilt made to celebrate Women’s Suffrage Centenial
Love this fabric!!! My first projects include binding last year’s projects and finishing some from last year before I get to start on the kits I got for Christmas!!!
My first project ofor the year is a FPP Caribou.
My first project is finishing a Star Wars quilt for my nephew, followed by starting some tummy time mats for friends and family with babes on the way!
It will be winter solstice blue and white quilt, maybe Valentine’s quilt going at same time. Thanks for wonderful fabric giveaway!
My first project of the year was a memory quilt from my Dads tshirts.
Finish my Georgia Barn quilt and then move on from there. So many patterns to choose from including this gorgeous pattern. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I’m making little pocket prayer quilts for my UMW ladies.
My first project for the year will be backing my daughters hedgehog quilt that I’ve been working on and off for 2 years!
I am making a baby quilt for a friend’s first grandson
Love that fabric range!
What a fabulous prize. I love the fabric range and the stiletto. Your makes are always gorgeous.
I love singing in the rain! I’m teaching my grandkids to splash in the rain puddles (just like I did and like my kids did).
We could use some bright and cheery here in rainy Washington!
What an amazing giveaway! I have found it so hard to track down some of your gorgeous fabric xx
What a lovely prize, I’m going to try some fabric origami as a little project to start the year.
Such happy fabrics would make me happy!♥️
I love your fabric and would settle for just winning the cute little flamingo stiletto!
Such lovely fabric…like a breath of sunshine ☀️
Thanks Bev! I joined a few months back (around Oct.) and have enjoyed being part of your group since! You are very fun and personable and I have enjoyed watching your videos. (speaking of videos….It’s great to be able to go back and watch for instruction reminders)
My first project of the year is actually my first commissioned quilt!! A beautiful baby quilt for a precious girl on the west coast.
Beautiful collection..thanks for the chance to win
Thank you for this giveaway. I love your fabric collections!
I am currently organizing my fabric and making a list of the projects I want to work on this year. Looking like a pillow with hearts will be my first project, maybe a throw size quilt with some Valentine fabric. Or maybe I’ll finish up a winter/christmas wip.
My first 2021 project and finish is a thread catcher. I have wanted to make one for quite awhile. Thank you for a generous giveaway! It is fun to read the comments to see what other quilters are working on. More inspiration.
Such a beautiful collection.
Adorable fabric! Perfect to think spring!
These fabrics are so sunny and cheerful! They would definitely brighten my day as I look out my window at gray skies and rain. Thank you for you generosity!
Such a beautiful line of fabric!! Thank you for a fun give-a-way!!!
A great fabric collection. What a treat it would be to win!
Love this fabric. My daughter loves the movie and I hope to make this quilt for her. Thank you for all you share.
The fabric is darling! Thanks so much for the giveaway and chance to win it!
I love the wonderful colors. Keeping my fingers crossed
Such a generous giveaway your fabrics and patterns are amazing, I plan on finishing a quilt top I started in 2019☺️X
Your fabric is so bright and cheerful! First up for me this year is making a table topper with some blocks from a Fall shop hop in 2019.
I want to make the Tea Rose Quilt as my first Flamingo Toes project. This is my answer for the giveaway. I so want to win.
First up this year is to quilt and bind the out of this world QAL from Pat Sloan which was at least a year ago. I’d then love your fabric to start something new.
I am finished knitting a pair of hand warmers and a baby quilt!
I absolutely love your Singing in the Rain quilt. I would love to make it this year. Awesome giveaway! I am currently working on the clear view tote project bags. It’s a fun small project.
I have 3 baby quilts to make this spring but a red, white and blue table topper is my first project of the year for the inauguration
What a generous giveaway! And I absolutely love the bright colors of the fabric!
My first project will be an Animal Crackers quilt for my new grandson
Love your fabric! And basically everything.
Love love love ALL THE THINGS!
Thank you for the bright springy fabric line!
Hopefully I will make a mug rug. I need to get some batting for my grandbaby’s white on white quilt ( my daughters request ). Thank you for all you do!!
Hi, I think a Floral Quilt for Spring!
Maybe use “Singing In The Rain” ?
Thanks for a sweet Giveaway!
These are beautiful!! Love the yellow!
Beautiful fabrics, Bev!♥️ My husband of 23 years took me to see the off Broadway play “Singing in the Rain” on our first date. Every anniversary, we watch the movie. ♥️ It’s a favorite. This fabric bundle would be lovely made into a quilt we could snuggle in to celebrate another year, 2021.
Such gorgeous fabric. Thank you for the chance.
Such a wonderful give away! My 1st project this year is a t-shirt memory quilt made with some of my moms t-shirts from fiber festivals she liked to attend
Such happy colors! I’d love to win the fabric so I could make a large table topper!
I love your fabric & patterns!
I started Pat Sloan’ s Home is QAL. I am starting several other sew alongs this month too. Hopefully my first completed project in January will be some of your cute spool mug rugs. I have the same fabrics you used. They are left over from a recent project. This will be the purrfect use for them, since I used all of the kitty fabrics in the collection. These will be fun little gifts for my sewing friends. I also plan to finish Stomping Grounds and a Valentines table topper I started last year.
I just moved so my first project is to set up my sewing space. Then I plan on finishing some boms I am behind on!
My first project will be a simple quilt top. I’m a beginner and I want to be able to finish it.
I really lke new colors in collection. Right now I am still making mask. With each in family member needing at least 5 masks per safe.
Should read– 5 maskes each. Please be safe.
That fabric is a great pick me up for this time of year!
My first project is an apron! Nice bright fabric.
My list of projects is soooo long and I’m not sure what I will get to first. Right now I’m trying to clean and organize my art room. After this is done I need to get the Christmas gifts made that I didn’t get to do because I ended up with covid the day after Thanksgiving.
I’m finishing the binding on a wonky courthouse steps quilt for donation, then I get to start quilting a butterfly quilt for my niece’s birthday.
Love the flamingo stiletto, btw.
My first project this year will be quilting a large lap quilt for my hubby!
Love your site. I’m quilting a large lap quilt for my hubby.
I love this line of your fabric! I definitely would want a spring quilt from it!
What a beautiful bundle!
My first project for 2021 is a Meadowlands quilt
Such fun fabric, very pretty colors! I’m still deciding on my first project. Thinking about hot pads/pot holders with placemats. Starting out small this year. Awesome giveaway, thank you!
Such a fun giveaway to kick off 2021
My first project for 2021 – a doll quilt for my granddaughter ☺️. Thank you for your beautiful fabric… so looking forward to your Christmas bundle later in 2021
Thank you for the wonderful give away
I’m still working on my Santa in the trees quilt and some UFOs from previous years
Love this little bundle! I have started working on a daily temperature quilt block series. I’m not sure how it will be put together though, so we shl see….
Beautiful and cheerful collection of fabric! My first project of the year is a table runner for my aunt’s 86th birthday! I am hand quilting it right now and it is looking so pretty with those tiny stitches. I can’t wait to surprise her!
Making large casserole hot pads.
Gorgeous stack of fabric
Thanks so much for the chance to win! What a fun giveaway to start the new year!
I love this happy collection!
My first project will be a tote bag for my sister – it’s actually a belated Christmas present. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!
Hi Bev! So excited for this giveaway! Absolutely love the Singing in the rain line of fabrics!
My first project for the year is going to be a Disney themed quilt for a Minnie Mouse loving toddler! :) Cheers!
Love those fabrics!!! I’m working on my Pachanga mystery quilt.
I love the Singing in the Rain fabric and the little flamingo corner pointer!!!
I’m working on UFOs.
Oh how sweet I just adore your fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity.
My first project this year is a Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses quilt.
This fabric is so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway.
I make seasonal quilts for my house, and this singing in the rain would be perfect for our eternity spring in WI! I’m making an apricot and ash quilt right now that is just waiting to be quilted
Singing in the Rain is a family favorite movie. We know all the words and most of the dance routines and have so much fun when we watch it. Need to finish a baby quilt, before the baby is born.
I love the colors in your Singing in the Rain fabric collection! The other goodies look wonderful too!
I entered a few of the ways but I stopped doing facebook. I hated when the ads stalked me. That was just to creepy.
My first project was a cute heart wall hanging ❤️ Second project is the Boho Heart quilt…. I am sensing a theme in my projects
My first project for the year is to clean up and redo my craft room. Right now it’s a disaster because we had some house repairs done and all my crafting got put on hold.
Oh I love those beautiful, bright colors! Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m finishing up my Farmhouse Love hopefully in time for Valentine’s Day. This is a Karen Walker pattern. Thank you for the giveaway. I hope this gives me an entry.
I would love to win this beautiful bundle of fabric or any of your other items. I love, love, love flamingos and I love your blog and Facebook page, too.
I am going to finish a BOM that I started last year. I would love to win. Thank you for the giveaway.
I have never tried a Missouri Star Tutorial, so I am sewing one called Log cabin Flying geese with a jelly roll of batiks.
My first projects are two baby quilts for gifts! The first one is almost done! Then I want to work on a quilt for my grandson it has fire trucks on it!
Nice giveaway
Love the colors of this gorgeous bundle! Would love to have it!
Love the colors and designs in your Singing in the Rain fabric line! So cheeryfor gloomy days! I am currently working on the Stitchery Sampler sew along with Fig Tree! Would love to make a lap quilt for my couch if I won this wonderful giveaway!
Lovely giveaway! I’m working on a large hexagon quilt right now.
For my first project of the year I’m working on a heart tabletopper. I’ve also been working on binding a couple of quilts from 2020.
My first project of the year will be to put the binding on a twin size quilt! I love the colors in your Singing in the Rain line. Sooo pretty!!
Generous give away!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you for this! NowI’ll have to think of a project!
Funny, my first project of 2021 is the Singing in the rain quilt. I have 3 rows completed and today I begin the umbrellas. The tutorials really help, thank you, Bev.
Always been a big fan of your page
My first project for the year 2021 is making kitchen Towel Toppers. I love the beautiful cheerful fabrics you have!
Beautiful giveaway, Beautiful fabric, Beautiful pattern, Beautiful everything. Thanks!
Just trying to finish up a “nickel quilt” for my son….years in the making.
This would be great as my 15 year old decided she wants to learn to quilt! Thanks for the chance!
Such pretty fabrics and projects!
My first project is making masks. I haven’t found one yet that doesn’t fog up my glasses so there needs to be some experimenting on my sewing machine! I long for the day when we can come out of isolation, cast off the masks and meet with friends again.
Love the bright, cheery palate!
My first project of the year was new pillows for the couch
My first project is a doll quilt for my granddaughter. :)
I have so many projects planned, but one will be to make some pillows from some of my son’s favorite t-shirts that he’s now outgrown. Thanks for the chance to win!
My first project is a scrappy red and blue table runner. Rectangles are all cut and I am ready to start sewing.
Happy 2021 to all. Although I am an art quilter, primarily, this year I decided to start with a pieced optical quilt. Lots of fun!
GREAT colors for this bleak pandemic winter !
So much fun to find this giveaway on my “Catch Up Saturday!” Saturday’s I get to catch up on everything I’ve missed while busy with work during the week! This would be a perfect addition to my stash which will get my undivided attention once retirement gets here in April! Yippee!!
Just love your website and blog!
I want to win! Thank you for an awesome giveaway.
Your bright fabrics will help cheer away our gloom! I’ve finished my first 2021 project; a flying geese table quilt. Thank you for the giveaway!
My first 2021 projects is a tea cozy! Finishing holiday gifts!
Happy New Year Bev!!!
This give away is so sweet. I adore this pile of fabrics!! I would love to make this Vintage Stars pattern right away!!
I will get those templates too.
Thankyou always for you enthusiastic creativity
Happy Snappy January
First projects of 2021 are a Christmas quilt and finish cross stitch projects.
My New Year started off making two baby quilts to welcome new great nieces.
My first project of the year was a Missouri Star Pattern called Rose Garden. I had picked the pattern and the fabric out on a family vacation.
Love your fabric and always enjoy your blog posts! Sew many awesome ideas! Lovely giveaway!
My first project of 2021 is an embroidered pillow for my Dad.
For my first project of 2021 I picked up an old WIP “Over the River & Through the Woods” by Crapapple Hill. Love the embroidery as much as the quilting!
Hands down my first project will be “Singing In The Rain”
I finished an art quilt for my brother last night. Today I’ll start quilting a starry baby quilt top.
ah, so much fun! singing in the rain is one of my favorite collections! i’m going to do a 9 patch, something simple and clean and one that would be quick and allow me to use a lot of color and patterns.
My first project(s) of the year were to organize my sewing room, create a list of UFO’s and projects for 2021. So far I’m doing a good job of attacking my list. My first quilt, not a UFO, is Treasure Chest by Jackie Kunkel.
I am in the middle of handquilting my first project that was begun in December but will be finished (I hope) in January. It’s a scrap quilt built from 1.5 inch squares and quite colorful!
Speaking of color, the fabrics in your Singing in the Rain collection cannot help but cheer me up, no matter the weather. Thank you for the chance to win.
Beautiful giveaway. Thank you so much
Would love to stitch up a cute quilt with that gorgeous stack of fabrics
I am working on a six year old WIP. It is word blocks from swap partners that I made into a throw and am now hand quilting.
Almost finished with a project from last year, then it’s time to start a fresh bright throw quilt with happy colors!
I am starting some valentine gifts for my niece and nephews and then will begin making doll clothes for the doll I will donate at Christmas this year.
Thanks for doing this!
The fabrics sure do say spring!
Love the stiletto…so cute!
I LOVE anything Flamingo so just even the name of this fabric speaks to me. an the stiletto is to die for!
Amazing giveaway to start the year!!!
Thank you.
I love your website, blog and facebook page. I have just moved in with my daughter and her family and we are in the process of setting up a sewing area for me. Looking forward to having that all done and starting in on sewing once again. Your classes keeps me so excited about what I will start with. Thank you for all you do.
I am hoping to finish a Valentine quilt that I started this year! Love this fabric! Thank you for making a cute point turner!
What lovely colors of fabric. So many ideas to use the fabric in.
I need a new apron for 2021!
For my first quilting project this year, I am working on my Winter Soltice quilt sampler. I have followed your “Singing in the Rain” row quilt and have had it on my wish list ever since. The blocks are A-dorable. I have wished to do a row quilt for some time now and your fabrics are so bright, cheerful … perfect for spring, The anticipation keeps me motivated. Maybe this year? Than you, Bev, for this give away .
I just love that fabric, so bright and cheery. but I think I will make a t-shirt quilt with my husbands t-shirts. I’ve been wanting to do it since he passed and have not been able to do it. Than I will go on to brighter quilts since we have a few new babies coming in the family.
Love the quilt
My first project for 2021 was cleaning my sewing room. It took 8 days!!! But now it’s wonderful!
WOW! What a wonderful fresh breath of spring beauty – anyone will be thrilled to win this beautiful
fabric bundle… thanks so much for the fun we all need a little…
This collection would be a perfect cheer me up project for the dreary winter days ahead.
I am working on a winter table topper in blues and whites and then I want to make a Valentine’s wall hanging. Love your rulers for that quilt!!!
Everything about Singing in The Rain fabric and the quilt pattern makes me smile!
What a nice give away! Love the fabrics and beautiful patterns. Hope I win
I am working in a baby quilt for my great nephew as first project of the year. Bev love everything you do; your colors and patterns are bright and cheery and can’t help but lift my spirits.
My most favorite colors!! Especially all the aqua colored ones. Would love to win and work with these beautiful fabrics!
Love your fabrics!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this great bundle! I’m excited to make a hydrangea block quilt for my new home, for my first project of they year. Hydrangeas were the main flower in my wedding bouquet. Next up is felt animals and wardrobes for my daughter’s birthday. The projects might be going at the same time, as is typical for me.
Loving this fabric ille ruin, beautiful colors!
Thanks fir the chance to win. Love all your fabrics
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
My first project of the year is going to be making myself a new mask. Can’t seem to find any I like at a reasonable price.
Such happy colors! Love your flamingo stiletto!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I will be making a baby quilt.
This is lovely. I am starting a number of cross stitch SAL’s. Hope I can keep up!
That is such a fun fabric line!!
I’ll be making a Valentine’s Day pillow…something small so I can feel accomplished.
My 8 year old just told me your colors are perfect, especially the aqua!
Absolutely love all the beautiful fabric of flamingo toes and the beautiful projects
I love you fabric and cute notions!! I have most of them!!!
I will be working on several applique projects this year. Also plan to use some of the new rulers I picked up last year. I absolutely love your Singing in the Rain fabrics and would lover to win the bundle. Your flamingo stiletto looks wonderful and would easily fit in your hand to use. Thanks for your generosity.
I’ve got some fabric pulled for Valentine’s sewing and I’m finishing up Jen Daly’s winter walk wall hanging. Thanks for the springtime inspiration and giveaway:)
Oh what a fun packet of fabric!!
Your fabrics are lovely! Currently working in a snowball quilt for my Grandson,
For 2021 I am trying not to buy anymore fabric, start anymore new projects & finish all my WIPS.
I want to make an art smock for my niece.
My first project was purging some fabric and quilt books to donate! I found Moda Cake Mix papers I’d forgotten about and am using a layer cake with them. I’m not sure what I will do with the lap quilt but I just wanted to get sewing as fast as possible :)
That stiletto is so cute! Love the fabric!
I love your Singing in the Rain fabric line! My first project this year is to finish a quilt I started 5 years ago.
As soon as I finish up some projects from 2020, I want to make a log cabin quilt.
Love the new stiletto! It is so cute!
My first project for the year is going to be your adorable little village project. I meant to do it last year, but we were busy getting ready to move and life happened. I’m settled in our new place and I can’t wait to make a beautiful, colorful village with your fabric to put on my wall, a perfect piece to add to my home. I love your work, taste and skill! Thank you for sharing it with all of us. ❤️
More facemasks. Valentine’s Day fabric.
I love the Spring colors , I would love to win this and make something beautiful for my house !
Dear Beverly: Your quilting is impeccable, and I love the “Singing In The Rain” fabric collection! I’m hoping I will win this beautiful bundle.
Thank you!
Roxy in Hudson, WI
Such a cheerful fabric collection- time to finish my annual clean of my sewing room so I can get back to the fun!
I love this fabric line and that flamingo stiletto is so much fun!!
I have a baby quilt for my new niece to make this month. She should be here soon!
I love your Singing in the Rain fabric! I also have a couple of your patterns and would enjoy using the fabric for one of them.
Thank you for such a generous giveaway!
My first project this year will be a spring inspire quilt. Been with you for many years – thank you for continuing to inspire us all.
It might be fun to sew some doll clothes for the littles. They love their babies!
Happy New Year! And many blessings.
I love the flamingo.
Love this colorful fabric and cute stiletto.
The fabric looks very cheery and fun!
My first projects were Valentine’s Day decorations for our home. I made a two-sided table mat–one side has a heart applique and the other side is pieced. I also made a two-sided coaster in the same fashion as the table mat. Thanks for the great giveaway. :0}
I am making the Jane Austen quilt. I also am doing tow quilt alongs with friends. I hope I can keep all of the fabrics straight!
This is so bright and happy. Definitely needed right now.
I am trying to finish bindings on older quilts while making a new quilt from American Paatchwork & Quilting from Summer 2020 called Abstract Floral.. Thanks for the fun New Year giveaway!
Singing in the rain fabric sure to get your sewing machine humming
Wow! Love this givaway! I have already finished quilting and binding 2 quilts.
First project in 2021 is finishing a long overdue t-shirt quilt
My first project, that I have already started, is the “Posies” wall quilt which involves hand embroidery designs! Such fun to do embroidery and quilting! Thank you, Susan
Beautiful fabric and I love the flamingo!
Love your color aesthetic!
I love this fabric!:):):)
You always have such happy colors! Who couldn’t live them!
I have several BOM quilts I haven’t started yet so that’s what I’m going to start on. I think the Designer Mystery Quilt first,
My first project will be to purchase a new sewing machine, then I will make your flamingo quilt for my granddaughter
I am a newbee to sewing, I haven’t made anything as of yet. Trying to learn. I live in a rural town
in the Mts. of North Carolina.There are no material stores near me. I am 70 years old am I too old to learn??
I also cannot have a cell phone because of service is spotty. I am not familiar with the computer and facebook.
So I am an old dog learning new tricks, haha
Your offer is very generous and beautiful.
Glad to be included.
Love the colors and flamingo! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I love your style – fabrics, colors, nostalgia. And, I have a concrete pink flamingo in front of my house! Kindred spirits?
I’m with you on the snow days! I just want one good 2-3 day stretch of being snowed in. Then I’ll be ready for spring. Thanks for hosting the lovely giveaway.
I am going to attemptto sew a quilt for my cousins baby. I maybe simple but I’m new to sewing.
Thanks for the opportunity. I love getting your newsletter!
I’m making a table runner that I started during my local quilt shops first virtual retreat last weekend. It was fun to get together with other Quilter’s even though it had to be virtual.
What a generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.
I do not have any new quilting projects planned. I am working on a couple of cross stitch designs for quilt labels so I can finish off some UFOs. The more UFOs I finish, the more variety I will have for my feature walls.
My first project this year was an Olaf quilt for my great grandson. My next project has to be the Sun Kissed Quilt, it’s stunning!
My first project will be some valentines for my grandkids.
My first project this year is hand quilting a quilt I pieced more than a year ago. At the same time I am helping 2 of my daughters finish their first quilts.
What wonderful give-aways. Thank you. Have a wonderful 2021!
Your photo just makes me happy. The fabric is bright and cheery…not like the gray, dreariness outside my window!
I’m ready to finally start a quilt for my granddaughter. These fabrics are perfect for it. Thank you for chance to win some.
Such cheerful designs and colors! Would make a gorgeous quilt!
I love your singing in the rain fabric and am anxious to work on a spring time quilt!
Sewing a case for my sewing machine. Also finishing the top of a granny square quilt I started last March.
I will be finishing a quilt that I started for the pandemic
My first finished project is a nightgown for my granddaughter. I still have to make a matching doll nightgown. My first big project for the new year is a quilt for my youngest granddaughter. I have the blocks done. Just need to make a layout and sew them together. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
1st project of the year? A bright cheerful new mask !!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Appreciate the opportunity!
Working on my first quilt !!!
I need the flamingo stiletto for my best friend and quiltimg partner!
I’ve been thinking of making a half-hexi quilt first this year. I just received the template as a Christmas present from my husband. It seems like a great spring quilt idea.
This is such pretty fabric – what a fantastic giveaway!
Beautiful fabric! I love those templates, it always makes piecing easier and that flamingo stiletto is absolutely adorable!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win and a very Happy New Year to you!
I’ve already been working on wintery wear and blankets. We don’t get much snow but we had almost 5 inches this week so cozy things are good to have on hand.
You color pallets and designs are so my jam. Now to just be able to quilt better.
Beautiful fabric, thanks for the giveaway
My first project was making mini mats for my tea cups using a new hexi ruler!
My first project of the year was to finish a table runner that I had started before Christmas. It has floral stars done in cross-stitch and some patchwork. I love the look. I am currently working on a cross-stitch project “Stitched from the heart”. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win your terrific prize package….the fabrics are scrumptious.
These fabrics are just so happy and pretty! I think I need the whole pack!
Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
You are an inspiration to me, love to see your creativity! Thank you so much for the chance to win your Singing in the Rain FQB!
My first project of the year was to make 10 quilted bibs for a friend who has CP.
Her mother loved them, as they are a custom made size for this sweet, petite 20 year old girl.
My first project is a baby quilt for my niece. Her first son was born on the 13th. He was early so of course I’m not done yet!
My first project is to finish my Christmas tree quilt that didn’t get done in December!
My 1st project of the new year will be to finish getting everything put away after my husband took back the garage for a gym during COVID. I got boxes and bins everywhere!!
For my first project, I plan on making new seat cover for our leather couch, and table runner for the coffee table. Oh , and hopefully new rocking chair cushions in a complimentary fabric. Waaay overdue!
My first project this year is to finish quilting and binding one of the quilts that I’ve had the tops done for a while… (I have 10 tops that need to be quilted! ) I’ll start with the Christmas one I started last month. It’s all sandwiched and ready to sew!
My first project of the year is a group of 4 baby doll quilts with matching pillows for my husband’s goddaughter’s children. They love their baby dolls, but don’t have quilts for them. It’s a fun project and will be a quick finish.
Such a sweet giveaway! I am cutting out a comfort quilt for my aunt, she needs some love and snuggles right now being housebound for so very long. I love your creativeness and joyful outlook. Thank you for the chance to win.
You are so talented and I am learning a lot as a new quilter. I am a nurse caring for Veterans. I pulled out my sewing machine to make masks back in April and haven’t stopped sewing since! The best stress relief! Love your giveaway!
haven’t decided on a new project yet. finishing up my husband’s QOV.
I’m not new to quilting but still consider myself a beginner. Because I’m retired and my income is fairly restricted, I have to do my own quilting of a project on my regular sewing machine. My hubby just made me a customized sewing table which will make my quilting much easier, so I’m excited to delve more into quilting and raise that “beginner level” at least a little bit. The give-away of this Riley Blake fabric and the other things is really getting my juices flowing! I really enjoy your blog posts and all of your colorful creations.
I’ve already completed 5 small projects this year but I have 2 must do projects; make a quilt for my newest great granddaughter and finish the blocks for a queen size quilt my second granddaughter and I designed together for her best friend. I love the flamingo! Thanks for another great giveaway and the fun of reading all the comments.
My first project has been the Jelly Roll Snowflake pattern , just finished it. Love the pink flamingo stiletto! Your new fabric line is very cheerful.
I want to finish a Christmas quilt along I started in December, 2020. Then I’m open to suggestions!
Such bright & beautiful fabric! I love the star quilt also. Thanks for the give away
My favorite movie and now my favorite fabric line, “Singing in the Rain”. If this fabric were available then, I’m sure Debbie Reynolds would have been whirling away at the sewing machine instead of on a dance floor with Gene Kelly! I love all of those sweet colors and prints. I am definitely going to make a Singing in the Rain quilt, and I am thinking of some small single block wall hangings for my sewing/craft room.
I am sure my first project is cleaning up my craft/sewing area to have everything ready to begin that sewing project.
Thank you so much for sharing your talents and this great opportunity to win.
I love Singing In The Rain fabric line.I would love to win it.
My first project was a Christmas decoration.
I love that collection. It is so pretty. Thank you for the chance to win.
a cute pillowcase for a great niece!
My first project of this year is a blanket for my first grandchild-a grand daughter due the end of March.
I want to make some small quilts for Valentine’s Day, and some new kitchen items for spring, placemats, hot pads, etc. I love your Singing in the Rain fabrics, they so bright and colorful.
I am going to make some doll clothes with my new machine.
I completed two UFO quilt bindings, and have made a quilted Spring runner for a birthday gift–off to a good start.
Now to unpack and begin using a new machine my husband got me! Would love to make a sweet quilt with the Singing in the Rain fabrics, they are beautiful :)
I am catching up on some BOM’s and working on an applique baby quilt for my niece.
My first on-going project of the year, started on 01/01/21 is an all purple quilt, in honor of Prince. I’m calling it “Purple Rain” as I work on it. I already love it, although I don’t know where it is going.
My first project of the year will be a Valentine quilt… I love hearts ♥️!
Your sew alongs are always so much fun and you have such a sweet voice that always makes me feel happy! Thanks for having such great give aways, too!
My first project this new year,, has started :) My soon to be 14 yr old Grangirlie has been bitten by Quilting!! She has made 3 throw sized quilts so far, and making jamma pants now, :D We have eacjh started a quilt..each same pattern,,different fabrics. Making Heart Memories for us both :)
Truth be told, I’m a fabric hoarder and will just look at the pretty colors for awhile because they make me happy!
My first project will be a baby quilt for my great niece due on February 15th 2021
First up in 2021 was to finish a 2019 Block of the month- I only had to put one border on and then I made a pieced back. I’m now working on finishing another quilt – I had 3 more blocks to make and now I’m working on borders – that should be done tomorrow. And I got a string pieced quilt top made for charity. I’ve gotten a lot done in the past 2 weeks. Now to keep up that momentum!
this fabric looks beautiful and I would would make a couple of table runners.
This is such a cute, fun fabric bundle!
I have already made 3 baby quilts , they are at the long arm quilters being quilted.
Hi Beverly! Would be great to start a new project in 2021 with this lovely collection! Thanks for the chance.
Beautiful fabric! Thank you for this fabulous opportunity.
What a beautiful collection, thanks for the opportunity to win it!
My first project will be placemats and matching table runner for a friend. Love your fabrics and patterns. Many thanks for cheering us up!
I will be making a baby quilt for my first project this year.
I am working on lap quilts for a local care center, I am using fabric from past projects because I am saving for a bigger machine. I would love to have Singing In the Rain be my first project on my new-to-me machine!
I’m new to quilting. Love those fabrics. So much inspiration!
My first project for 2021 has been a baby quilt but I hope to start a quilt for myself…..love the Stars quilt!!! Thanks Bev, love your site and projects.
Love your fabrics. Thank you for this opportunity to win.
Such lovely fabrics and patterns!
I am finishi9ng a baby quilt for our new Grandson.
Love your style! I am attempting to make a ruffled table runner to brighten up my kitchen!
Such pretty fabric! I am attempting my first quilt for my granddaughter this year :)
Our family has just welcomed my first great-granddaughter, Brinley, to the family. I’m working on a crib quilt for her at this time. I’ll also be making curtains and pillows for our new (used) camper to ‘glamp’ it up!! Thanks for offering up such a sweet giveaway!! Be especially blessed.
A baby blanket.
My first project of the year was a flannel baby quilt for my fifth great-grandchild.
Your fabric is just simply yummy!! I love those valentine hearts and plan to make some of them. Thank you for your constant inspiration. I would like to make an adorable little quilt for my granddaughter who is turning 3!
I love the fabric! What a great give away!
I am replacing all my daughter’s Christmas decorations that I have made for her in the past. They were stolen out of a storage building this past year. I am working on an advent calendar now. I have replaced a quilted tree skirt, stockings, table runner, ornaments, ceramic Nativity sets for this past Christmas. However, I didn’t get the advent calendar done in time. I made most of the fabric items with some fabric from her wedding. Luckily, I still had fabric left from past projects and wedding to make them completely over as they were. She loved them.
Super cute fabric!!! I am working on Teddies on the Line cross stitch. It’s a design I have wanted to stitch since the 1990s you cant rush these things!!! Can’t wait to try one of your quilt patterns!!!
This fabric is positively dreamy!!!
The colors are so bright & cheerful! Just what’s needed on these cloudy, dreary days.
My first project of the year is to finish a few projects that are sitting around. Clean up and reorganize my craft room.
Love all your projects.
Thank you so much for doing a worldwide contest. Your fabric looks beautiful and I love your Flamingo stiletto. I also love reading your emails. Thank you again
Looking forward to the hearts tutorial!
My first project to actually start this year is a Carpenter’s Star made with fabric I fell in love with. Have been waiting to find the right fabric for this quilt. It’s looking spectacular even though I’ve only sewn a few blocks together. Imagine what I could do with your fabric !!
These beautiful fabrics would make a beautiful Valentines Blanket and many other great Valentines projects, Thank you for all your great fabrics and sewing ideas.
At Christmas I sew reusable bags instead of gift wrap. I actually have my family give back bags to save for next year but I never get to collect all of them. This year were gifts were delivered due to Covid I need to start sewing to replace my inventory. So my first project of 2021 is sewing up bags. Hopefully I will be done soon and can start something fabulous. I have been wanting to make a child’s pouf for my littlest granddaughter.
My first project is to reorganize my craft room but then I am going to make some table runners for Valentine’s Day and spring.
Beverly, thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. I just fell in love with your Singing in the rain pattern and fabric❤. I do hope I win, so I can have the opportunity to make this beautifully designed well throughout quilt. I too love reading your emails and enjoy your facebook post and little quilt alongs. THANK YOU FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR IN KENTUCKY ❤ and for all you do…
Beautiful fabric and generous giveaway… thanks!
Wonderful uplifting cheerful spring prints. Thank you for the chance to enter.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway
I’m multitasking and trying to finish some UFOs and also giving my sewing room a good cleaning and organizing
My 1st new quilt for 2021 is going to be Girl Next Door by Louise Papas
Such a beautiful collection of fabric! What fun to sew with and make something fabulous!
My first project of 2021 is a Valentine table runner…it’s 3/4 done already!
duchick at gmail dot com
My goal for 2021 is to machine quilt some of my quilt tops. I have so many from 2020. Actually, too many of them. Just love sewing quilt tops together. lol
I love flamingos too, very much. My 4 grandchildren all know it and look for them for me. I really like your site and the flamingo stiletto too. The fabric looks beautiful!
I’m finishing up a Christmas table runner.
i would like to start a QAL this year and actually finish all the blocks.
I have started on a T shirt quilt for my nephew and after that one I will be making one for my granddaughter.
Love the colors. So bright and cheerful.
Love this site and your Singing in the Rain fabric line. I am one of those rare people who love the rainy season, and would love to be a winner as well!
My first project of the year is going to be an embroidery hoop scripture wall hanging in a large hoop. Thank you for the giveaway!! I love the fabric & want to make a baby quilt with it someday. Again thank you & God bless
First project – placemats and napkins.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!! The fabrics are gorgeous and the other goodies look like great fun! I’m spending the early part of this year trying to find my house under the clutter. My sewing area is a total disaster area, and I waste way too much time trying to find things… I’ve signed up for a few BOM’s online this year as well, so I plan to keep very busy! :-)
I’m making a baby quilt for my cousin as my first project!
I’m not sure whether my first project will be something for my Valentine tree or a new face mask! What a sign of the times that I have almost worn out the initial masks I made and now need new ones. But, little Valentine things for my tree are so much more appealing! Would certainly love to win the beautiful fabric, thank you.
I have not yet decided what my first project will be, but I want to tell you that your newsletter makes me happy. So colorful always!!!!
Thank you for the fun. Always enjoy getting your email newsletters. Small Quilting projects are my favorite things to make. Love all the color materials you show!❤️❤️❤️
Adorable fabric. So many possibilities. My first project is a Spring table topper.
I want to sew some dolls. I’m so burned out sewing masks.
I’m ready for spring. With the exception of a table topper made with older Robin Pandolf Christmas fabric everything I have worked on or am planning is with bright happy colors. Our weather here in Northern Michigan has been strange. Usually we have around 100” of snow by now, right now we have maybe 3”. I’m ready for sunshine instead of grey skies.
This would be perfect, I cross stitch your chart and this would complement it!!!! Thanks
Love the fabric collection. It reminds of spring and I’m ready
Love all your gorgeous art. Have several needle minders!
I’m making a scrappy basket weave quilt. I love your happy sunshiny colours.
I’m trying to get my POTC quilt done because I have a butterfly machine embroidered quilt I want to make for my grand daughter.
Would love to create a quilt with these beautiful designs.
What a wonderful bundle – thank you for the opportunity to enter.
What happy fabrics!
Such happy, color-filled fabrics! Just what one needs to see us through this pandemic winter!
This bundle is a beautiful start to 2021. It gives a feeling of renewal and change as the Spring arrives. I have always wanted to make a beautiful quilt and after 2020 and loosing (2) family members to Covid, I would like this quilt to be a representation of GRATITUDE for being alive and REMEMBRANCE of I’ve lost. May everyone have a blessed and healthy 2021.
My first project is to finish quilting a small applique lap quilt.
Great fabric bundle!!
My first project of the year was to embroider a little art piece for a gift. I’m would like to get a couple of quilts done this year and try some new quilting techniques.
My first project of the year will be my first quilt top. I’m excited to get that going.
Hopefully to finish a heart quilt made last year.
My first project for 2021 is a quilt for my mom who is in a nursing home. Sadly, it’s not one of your patterns and I’ve already made a mistake due to the, less than clear, instructions. When will I learn! It’s nice to read about what everyone is working on in our unique corners of the world. Thanks for inspiring me!
Your fabric is so pretty.
My first project will be a quilt for my youngest granddaughter.
Handbag Organizer
My first project of the year is still my last project from last year, lol, and it’s a baby quilt for my incoming grand-nephew :)
Love your site. Thank you for a chance to win.
My first project of 2021 is one upcycle carpet from old jeans. Thank you for the opportunity