It’s time for the fourth Happy Little Things Quilt Block!! We have another fun flower this week and another fun giveaway!

Happy Little Things Quilt Block 4
This is Block 4 in the Happy Little Things Quilt Block of the Month from Jacquelynne Steves. It’s a fun quilt with little floral appliques and I’m loving how the blocks have turned out!

My flowers are made with a little raw edge applique. Don’t you just love the outlining that the dark thread gives the design?!

I also did a little fussy cutting on the corner blocks with my Handkerchief print in Vintage Keepsakes.

My blocks are a mix of Vintage Keepsakes and Vintage Adventure. I love how they’re looking together!
How is your Happy Little Things quilt block coming along? Share in a comment below!

Click here to get the Block 4 Instructions
Giveaway is closed now – thanks for entering!
This month our giveaway is a copy of the book Morse Code Quilts by Sarah J. Maxwell, and an adorable package of decorative pins from Just Another Button Company.
Giveaway is open to US and International residents. One prize per person per giveaway.

To enter the giveaway leave a comment below and answer the question: What was your favorite handmade gift you gave or received?
Make sure you visit all the other bloggers and check out their blocks and enter the giveaway as well!
A Quilting Life
Podunk Pretties
The Crafty Quilter
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life
Happy Quilting Melissa
The Quilting Nook
Kathy’s Quilts
I also have an exciting new product in my shop! I’m realeasing my brand new Christmas Needle Minder – this darling Vintage Christmas Truck!

Needle Minders are small enamel designs with magnets on the back designed to hold your needle when you aren’t stitching! I have all sorts of cute designs in the shop and I’m super excited to add this new Christmas Truck!

I made my daughter a patchwork stuffed cat for her high school graduation. I included fabrics from projects I’d made for her when she was little, and also did a few embroidery blocks that represented everywhere we had lived. She cried when I gave it to her and I felt so happy!
I recieved a quilt from my brother that a elderly woman had made. It is applique butterflies and was made from Jersey cotton material. Its very heavy and oh so warm. I wish he could have gotten her name. You could tell it was made with lots of love!
My favorite handmade gift is a scissors case – small, but one of the first gifts I received.
My favorite handmade item was finding a quilt top in red and white sewn by my Grandmother. No idea when it was made as I only found it while I cleaned out my parents house. My mom had it tucked away with a few smaller pieces that were unfinished. I have a friend who quilted it for me and it is truly a great keepsake.
My favorite handmade gift was a t-shirt quilt I made for my daughter. She saved shirts with a quilt in mind. Took me some time before I tackled it, but she seems to love it and when I see it, memories of her life come to my mind too.
I adore gifting and receiving hand made items! My favorite to gift is quilts to the grands; I’m really looking forward to giving them all Christmas quilts this year!! :)
My favorite homemade gift given was my son’s college quilt (shh… don’t tell my other kids!) which had a Van Gogh theme, and he had picked out all the blocks and fabrics for himself. My favorite homemade gift received was a grade-school art project my daughter made with watercolors. The idea of using morse code in quilts is amazing! I hadn’t heard of that before.
My all-time favorite hand-made gift I received was a hand-pieced and hand-quilted Lone Star in pretty pastel solids from my maternal grandmother in 1970 when I went away to college. I still have the quilt and when I look at it I think of Grandma Emma (my youngest daughter is named after her). Grandma passed away in 1975 at the age of 83 and I STILL miss her. Thanks for a chance to win.
My friend (who is very very busy) made me a bee-themed quilt for a special birthday. The idea that she made time to make something so beautiful still brings tears to my eyes.
The personalized photo album of my life my mother put together for me before she died.
My favorite “quilty” gift that I received was a pair of two zipper pouches made up in a very fun collection of teals and reds. It was a holiday gift from someone very special to me.
I also would like to share that I love your method of applique with the free motion black outline. So pretty. Great accents.
I have a beautiful afghan a friend made me years ago. I love it.
I like to make pincushions and give them to friends.
The favorite gift(s) I’ve given were memory quilts for my FIL’s 80th birthday and my parents’ 50 wedding anniversary. Looking back through photos to use in the quilts and seeing the look on their faces was so heartwarming.
My daughter loves to crotchet – she made me a pin cushion in the shape of a cup of coffee!!
My favorite handmade gift I gave was a quilt I made for my first grandchild. It was personalized with her name and birthdate, which is also my birthday. She was the best birthday present I have ever received.
I love the mini quilts I’ve received through swaps! I’ve hung them in my sewing room!
my favorite hand made gift, was given and received. my granddaughter and I watched some videos together. to learn how to make zipper pouches. we then made two of them, one for her and one for her sister.
they got the pouches, I got the joy of learning something with my granddaughter.
given and received.
I was thrilled to complete a warm flannel quilt for my Mom’s 90th birthday last January.
My favorite gift received was a bulky red sweater with extra long sleeves my mother knit and sent to me my first semester away at college. I was so homesick I wrapped myself up in it for comfort – it worked! The first ever quilt I made I gave to my mother when she was 92! It was a heartfelt way to say thank you for all she had always done for me.
I’m a new quilter and the first quilt I made was for a baby gift!
My first pair of hand knitted socks from my sister. I now knit my own socks.
My favorite hand made gift was a quilt that my grandmother made for my husband and I for our wedding. She got the top done, but got sick and died before it got quilted. Eventually, my mother gave it to me, telling me the story about how it came about and told me that I’d have to get it quilted. I learned to hand quilt so I could finish it. So, 45 years later, I received this special gift from heaven!!
I have received so many hand made gifts. It is a tradition at Christmas to make the gift you give rather than to buy something. I feel I am giving part of my heart to the person. One very special gift was a card I designed myself from cross stitch for my Daddy. I did it on perforated paper and gave it to him for Fathers Day card. Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy. :)
I treasured a handmade doll from my Aunt. Now I really appreciate hankies.
When I was married my mother passed down three family heirloom quilts. My husband’s family made quilts & one grandmother crocheted a beautiful queen size bedspread.
So pretty… love the effect of the striped fabric!
I made pot holders and my mother crocheted around them. Everyone got a set of pot holders and a plate of cookies
My favorite hand-made gift was when I was about 8 years old. My mom was bed-ridden and had 8 kids in the house. For Christmas, she managed to hand stitch gifts for each of us kids. A neighbor lady helped her cut pattern pieces and she sewed me 2 pair of pajamas! I loved them so much and wore them down to bare threads. My mom was the best!
I have no one single favorite gift I have received. It is all gifts my children have made me throughout the years. Those I will always treasure.
I have so many – guess my favorite would be the t-shirt quilt I made for my son’s graduation. I had saved all the John Deere shirts he had worn over his life and put them all together. Great memories in those shirts.
I made my parent’s a Double Wedding Ring quilt for their 50th anniversary.
My mom gave me a crazy quilt that had scraps of fabric from my life like fabric from outfits she had made me when I was younger. It also had pieces of fabric from items she made for my dad and grandmother and herself. The I gifted my teenager a dear daughter quilt and used fabric from clothes I made for her when she was little. She loves it.
Tina you are the winner!! Check your email for a message from me about how to claim the prize! Thanks for entering!
I love your vintage prints!
I have a friend who lives near me in Pennsylvania during the school year (our daughters are in 3rd grade together) but returns to her home in Instanbul for the summer when school is out. This past September when she returned to PA, she brought me a pair of knitted slippers from her Grandmother! I wear them all the time when sewing and will treasure them forever!
My favorite hand-made is a generation picture quilt! All pics in black & white, featuring three generations of three daughters!
My favorite homemade gift that I gave, was a memory quilt to my girlfriend. Her mom had to go into a nursing home, and knowing that I sew/quilt, she gave me all of her moms fabric stash. I transferred photos of her children onto fabric, and made the border out of the fabric that had belonged to her mom. We both cried!
My neighbor, Mrs. Howard, gave me a beautifully handcrafted silk blanket when my daughter was born. I never understood or appreciated the amount of effort, talent, and time that it required until I began to create hand made gifts for others. Thank you, Mrs. Howard!
I just gave away my Save the Bees quilt to my daughter who is a beekeeper. She loved it!
My favorite received is the first hand cast of my grandson that is mama made into an ornament. It hangs on my wall next to his pictures.
I love to send quilted postcards instead of store bought cards at Christmas time to friends and throughout the year to grands.
The best homemade gift I have given was a quilt to my Mom last Thanksgiving with material from some of my Dad’s old clothes.