Hello all!
I wanted to take a midweek minute and check in with you all about a few things. Flamingo Toes has been building a little corner of the web for just over 6 months now. Wow. I am having such a great time sharing crafts, and getting to know you.
I love the way things are going, but I think there is always room for improvement and adjustment – and that is where you come in. :)
I have some questions for you – and if you have time to give your opinions I think it will be fun to see how things evolve over the next 6 months.
I have seen blogs around that do a weekly schedule. So Tutorials on Monday – Recipes on Wednesday – Fish Fry’s on Friday. That sort of thing. Would you like that, having a little more structure so that you know what to expect? Or do you like the willy nilly flow of things?
What is your favorite type of post? Is there something you’d like to see more of?
On the flip side of that coin – what’s your least favorite thing? Anything you’re sick of? (This can be post related, layout related, whatever.)
Don’t worry – you won’t make me cry. ;) Unless you’re a meany. Then it’s entirely possible.
How do you feel about comment replies? I realllly like to reply to your comments – but sometimes it just takes tons of time and wipes me out and leaves me with no clean clothes because I’m spending all my time on the computer. Would it mightily offend you if I didn’t reply to every comment? Maybe 75% of comments? Will you be very sad and stop hanging around?
What would you think about a Tutorial Request feature? If there is something that you have been wanting to learn or see something that would be a great knockoff – you could send me an email and it could potentially be an upcoming tutorial!
(Assuming you’re not suggesting I knock-off someone in the taking-someone-out-because-they-stole-your-chocolate-cake way. That would be wrong. And make for a messy tutorial.)
Thanks for taking the time to answer – I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Megness says
I’m kind of a fan of the willy nilly…that way, every day is a surprise. But, I have to say, I was a fan of the anthro week you had. So if you were going to structure something, maybe just do it every once in a while like that.
I try to answer all comments that include a question or a story. I honestly don’t always get to them all. I also don’t often reply to the single word comments as often as the others. I know, slapping my hands right now for being a bad blogger. Sometimes I just reply with a quick thanks or smiley face too.
I love your tutorials, but I love your random posts. But that’s how my blog is structured too, so that must mean I like it :D
Can’t wait to see where you take us!
Cheryl says
I have only stopped by a few times, but I like what you have going on here. You are the second blog I have stopped by today that has a post like this.
I say blog about what you love and don’t worry about posting stuff on certain days…like theme stuff.
I love your tutorials, but if you have a great recipe to share I am all about that too.
Connie Hunhtington says
I’m with Megness, I like the ‘surprise factor! But I like the other too, I won’t lie, but on other blogs. I love when you include tutorials so that I can easily make my own. Keep doing what you are doing, it works.
Beth says
Having a schedule is fine, if that’s what you want to do, but I think the best schedule is just knowing you’ll be posting SOMETHING on certain days, not like you have some set list, but that you just post every Monday, or Thursday. And on replying to comments: I don’t really get offended easily. I write LOTS of comments, because I want the person writing the post to know that I’m reading and enjoying, not for them to write back to me. I really believe that you don’t need to reply, I mean you spent all the time writing the posts (which really are a lot of work!) So, you can always remember that you don’t have to reply (at least to me, some people like it, I really like the posts.)
Michele @ The Scrap Shoppe says
I kind of like the random, but then again my blog is structured. I do that mostly for my own sanity. Which would be easier for you?
And I don’t expect a reply for every comment. I know you’re reading them! :)
Mandy [Mandipidy] says
Hey lady!
I would totally understand if I didn’t get a reply from a comment I left… no worries! :]
And I think the idea of putting in “requests” for tutorials is really great! I had some anthro necklaces that stumped me… I might come beating down your door :]
Nelly says
i am also the willy nilly type, i really like to see more crafts for little boys, maybe some more crocheting? i guess just a little bit of anything works great :) I like the idea of a tutorial request, but honestly would i ever send something in? no, because i don’t have the time. As for the replies, i personally don’t ever ask questions in the comments if i ever do need to know anything i usually e-mail . so i hope this helps!
Mindy B says
Hi. I am always thrilled to see your projects and tutorials. I leave comments when something really inspires me, or when I find something humorous. Of when I just feel like saying hey. And I don’t expect a response. I also don’t need to see regularly sheduled posts. Jus post what you feel like, when you feel like. I do have just one little pet peeve with some of the blogs I read, and that is when the author posts picture after picture of the same thing, but maybe from different angles, or close up then far away, etc. Ugh. I can’t honestly recall if I’ve seen that on your blog, just letting you know what bugs me in general, and what I like in general. Keep doing what you do because it’s fun and inspiring. :)
Caitlin says
I really like the anthro knock off necklaces. They are so cute! Sometimes I like yours better. I like the idea of having more tutorials, or letting people request them. And I like willy nilly. But if you are going to do a day thing, I think it should only be one. Otherwise it gets to boring when you know just what to expect.
So now that I answered your question. . .I have one. I am thinking about starting a blog and I was just wondering how you got yours out there for other people to find?
And I wouldn’t be offended if you don’t respond to this comment. I never really expect people to, so it’s a nice surprise if I hear back. :)
Steph says
I am ok with replying to comments just once in a while…you don’t need to reply to every one. It’s good to reply if there’s a (good) question or if the person is new and has commented a few times. If I have commented several times (with heartfelt comments, not just “great post!”) and I don’t hear back from them somehow, then I usually move on.
I like willy nilly too. Unless you really ARE going to do Fish Fry Fridays.
Becky says
I think what you do is great! I also love the series you did, you can totally find something for everyone. I love the variety. You really don’t need to reply to comments, maybe just answer questions. Decor Chick shows the comments and replies right after so if you answer a question everyone can see the answer. You have a great blog, keep on creating awesome stuff!!!
Mruna says
I like the willy nilly flow…but maybe you could set a specific thing for any one day of the week…
I love the jewelry tutorial posts…especially when you did that whole series for anthro knock offs…Would love another week like that!
You have replied to my comments but I didn’t expect a reply…I mean you know I don’t expect anyone to reply back to my comments…I just leave a comment because I feel like saying something at that time…Its not like its supposed to be a conversation…maybe you should answer questions first and reply to other comments…
I like the tute request idea though…
Sarah says
I don’t think a schedule is necessary. It’s not like as a reader I get excited about a particular day of the week, ya know? hehe I always assume it’s for the benefit of the writer.
There’s nothing I’m sick of on your blog! I adore it all!
I’m always THRILLED when I get a reply to my comment, but I totally understand that those become so much harder when you have a lot more comments. :) So no hard feelings!
Alicia B says
I enjoy the Willy Nilly postings myself. I do agree with what Cheryl said though- blog about what YOU care to share and WHEN you care to do so! How do you know for sure that on Tuesday you will want to share about the dancing duck you saw on the sidewalk but due to structure you have to post about the Tuesday Taco Tango instead due to the structure! As to replying to all comments, you have over 600 followers and there is NO way you could comment if all posted and still have time to change your clothes after your bath, Heck, you might not have time to bathe at all, ROFL I prefer a fresh smelling instructor over a written reply :) *Hugs*
janet says
I like the random thing, but then again, that’s how my blog is set up. I think if you get too much structure, it’s hard to stay fresh. And if you get a great idea, it’s best to just post it then while you’re still excited about it because your enthusiasm will show in the post. I post lots of comments around blog world and only get a few replys. The ones I like are when there is a giveaway to know that my comment has been received and entered. Otherwise, I don’t really need a reply. Go with your heart…that’s best.
Emily {Frilly Details} says
Schedules schmedules! I love not knowing what’s coming up next! I think that’s what makes looking at blogs so fun. Maybe that’s just me. I think it’s awesome that you take the time to reply to comments. I never expect anyone to do that, so I don’t get upset if I don’t get a follow up email. I think your Anthro week was a hit, so maybe have week long themes or something. With all that said, I guess I think what you’ve been doing all along has been great! :)
amanda says
I love your blog the way it is ~ I say no schedule, I mean if you had a schedule we wouldn’t have gotten a full week of anthro knockoff necklaces, ya know? That being said, I love the fun tutorials (I like how thorough you are) but I usually don’t read the recipe posts… just so you know!
I am big fan of fun season/holiday related posts, so I wouldn’t mind if you did more of those, I’m just sayin’! Oh yeah, and the commenting thing — I totally don’t mind if you don’t reply to my comments (I mean it’s always fun if you do, but totally not necessary if there your dishes pile is resembling mount Kilimanjaro!) but a reply is really nice if I asked a question, ya know? So there you have it!
Thanks for such a rockin’ blog!
Joani says
I too am a fan of the willy-nilly. Love the anthro tutes and any other tutes you want to do. I just love you!
Raw says
I’m a willy-nilly fan also cuz I’m kinda willy-nilly myself! But, I did like the idea of requesting a possible tutorial.
Roo {NiceGirlNotes} says
I hereby release you from ever answering any of my comments ever. I’m struggling with the same thing.. takes a lot of time to answer comments! You could also install the same widget I have: whenever I reply to a comment, it also shoots over to that person’s email.
I think a weeklong series every couple of months would be awesome. :)
Julie says
I think the request tutorial option sounds great!
As for structuring your blog posts? I don’t structure mine just yet, don’t know if I will. I say, do what works for you. (although personally, I could take or leave recipe days!)
Comments…or rather, writing back to comments. I wouldn’t worry about writing back to all of them. I think, if I had that many comments, I would answer any questions that came my way and that’s it. Right now, on a good post…I get 3 comments! So, I’m not the best one to talk to, I guess.
Laura says
First, love your blog and you’re doing a great job just for 6 months—you are everywhere! :) Second, I personally love the blogs that have certain things on certain days. I will always visit that blog to see what they’ve posted—its nice to know what to expect. :)
AprilK says
I enjoy willy nilly. I wouldn’t pay attention to a schedule anyway! I really enjoy your jewlery tutorials-really any of your crafts! And I am not insulted if you do not respond to my comments!!
peach says
I love variety & I love everything you do! I’ve even tried some of your tutorials. You never have to respond to me.
Beverooni says
Eve says
Have to say I enjoy the willy nilly aspect more than schedules. And I love tutorials.
About cooments, it is very time crunching to answer all so don’t worry about it. Sometimes it’s too many emails in my box from people replying back to me when I left a closed-ended comment on their blog. It gets to be too much in that regard as well.
VickiT says
I personally love visiting and not knowing what will be seen. Of course, because I’m finding myself being on the computer more and more and getting less and less sewing done, I would also love knowing which days will be devoted to what topic as well.
Gosh, that probably didn’t help you at all now did it? LOL I guess basically I’m saying, I’ll visit no matter what changes or doesn’t change. HA
Sofia says
I just discovered your blog a couple of weeks back so I am not really familiar with it…but I love it! I say you do what is going to be easier for you…maybe you won’t be able to post every ‘Tutorial Tuesday’ and then people will get cranky and fuzzy…I’d say do what makes your life easier!
And…i was so looking forward for a taking-someone-out-because-they-stole-your-chocolate-cake tutorial, messy but fun!! ;0
Madigan at madiganmade says
I am in favor of willy-nilly. For me, forcing myself into a schedule of “this topic then” may stifle my creativity (haha). I imagine it may be that way for others, too. Maybe just a: “I plan to post MWF Schedule” is enough of a ‘schedule’?
RE: comments. I do NOT expect any blog to reply to every comment. That must take a ton of time! (Though I’m guilty of the opposite. I don’t think I reply to enough. I try to answer any questions and an interesting/thoughtful comment, but I’m not sure I can reply to every one.)
Tut requests? Fantastic idea!
Cindy says
I think following a schedule would be too dull and predictable. I like the willy nilly approach. What will Flamingo Toes say today, I wonder? I turn on my computer. I wait impatiently as it connects. I go online and…name that movie! Seriously, I wouldn’t change a thing. :D
Holly L says
I tried a schedule and then it felt like a job and was not fun at all! I vote for willy nilly! That is how I roll!
I love you and your blog and it is perfect. Seriosuly I enjoy your posts – crafty, cooking, silly – whatever -that is my kind of blog!
As for comments…I am on the same page as you…it is just hard to comment back as a blog grows for every comment. I do it less often, but try to hit 2-3 posts in a shot. And I have started sending email responses…because they are easy and quicker. I wish I had a good answer for you.
I love Crush of the week!
I may steal this idea for a post to see what I can fix on my own blog (maybe I do not want to hear thew truth!)…and give you credit.
Andi Lia says
I’m a willy-nilly go with the flow gal…I enjoy anything you’ve posted :)
About the comments replies…I think it’d be better if you answer if there’s a question or anything need to be replied. Comments like “Ow, cute”, “Love it”, “Thanks for the post”, you can reply it all by one “thank y’all” answer. Therefore, it won’t consume too much of your time.
I would looove if there’s a Tutorial Request Feature…sometimes I just can’t find tutorial(s) for things I want to make.