Ready for some goofiness? We had an in-house debate on whether I’d share this photo with you all – and I lost. So here it is along with a little story for your Sunday afternoon. ;)
We stopped at Costco for lunch and shopping after church (don’t envy our wild lifestyle) and guess who was having a book signing?? Sam the Cooking Guy. (You may or may not remember I posted one of his recipes last week, the Pastrami Wraps.) I got all excited cause I really like this guy – he’s got good tasting, quick recipes and he’s really funny.
So I hopped right in line and picked up a copy of his new book to get signed.
Now I get SUPER nervous meeting people – and if they’re even slightly famous I turn into a tongue-tied mess. So I talked myself through what I wanted to say – I figured I could mention that I had written about one of his recipes on my blog. Good starting point right?
So when it’s my turn I start off with that sentence – and just as I finished speaking, an older lady walks right up to Sam (ignoring the line of people waiting) and says, “I need a recipe for soup.” We all kind of looked at her and laughed a bit. Sam hesitates for only a second and says, “Buy the book.” We all laugh but does she give up? No. He ends up rattling off a yummy sounding recipe including roasted red peppers, cream, chicken broth, and something else I can’t remember.
Then she says to him, “I think I’ve maybe seen you on TV once.” Sam laughs and says, “You know, that doesn’t really do a lot for me. You’ve maybe seen me on TV once.” He’s trying to be nice but he’s ready to be done with this little lady. The Costco guy who’s standing there directs her to the Roasted Red Peppers and she toddles off.
Sam then stacks up my books and is ready to send me off, without signing them both – and I got up the nerve to say – “You didn’t sign my book. ” He was very nice and apologized and wrote, “Nice meeting you.” Which is all good – not exactly what I was hoping for but I think she threw him off a bit.
So needless to say we did not have a scintillating conversation about my blog and his recipes. I was gypped. But I didn’t give up yet – I figured, well, maybe I can get a cool picture out of it. So my handy teenager snapped a pic of me and Sam.
Huh. Didn’t realize till I got home and got the picture on my computer that my eyes were closed. Sheesh. But gosh, I look happy don’t I? Asleep, but happy.
And every time I open this cookbook I’m going to think of that little old lady and her roasted red peppers. Oh well.
Debby Messner says
That’s so funny. It’s a good picture anyway. Write him a letter, He was probably worn out from signing all day.
Annie says
Hahaha! I love it! That is so something that would happen to me.
Shelia says
Hi and it’s so nice to meet you! Oh, what a cute story. I’m surprised someone didn’t tell that rude lady to go to the back of the line! :)
Well, you got your book signed and even with your eyes closed you’re as cute as a button!
Thanks so much for popping in to see me and liking my pillow.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Mandy says
That’s awesome!!
Heather says
Thanks for the great story :). I love it! I am so glad to find out I am not the only one that plans out conversations.
Ann says
Cute story! At least you got to meet your sorta celebrity kinda crush and you have a pic to prove it! Thanks for visiting my blog and your always kind comments. Love to see you pop up on my screen!
Raw says
Can’t wait to try some more of his!! I’ve eaten enough of his wraps to fill a truck bed!
becky collins says
Its like you were in a dream!! :)