You probably rushed over here thinking I had jumped on the “I write a blog and I am having a baby” bandwagon.
Nope – sorry to disappoint. ;)
But – we do have a new little addition to the family that has stolen our hearts.
We met him at the animal shelter on Saturday but he had to wait until today to come home because he had to have his little “operation”.
Some of the pictures are a little grainy – I didn’t want to scare him with the flash/lightscoop.
He thinks that the kitty in the mirror is a pretty scary guy.
And he really likes to play peek-a-boo.
After the exploring (of a 10×10 room) he got all tuckered out and needed a nap.
Moving is such hard work.
He hasn’t met Xray yet, except under the door.
He’s staying in my son’s room for a couple of days so he can adjust to the house and us before that big event. :)
And yes. You’ll notice he is currently “he who has not been named”. Poor thing, I can’t decide on a name!
I think I’m overthinking it. But I want something cute and fun and unique and wonderful.
No pressure or anything. Want to help?
I’m definitely open to suggestions.
I promise to bring the craftiness soon. I will have a fun tutorial for you either tomorrow or Thursday.
I’m starting on the colorification of my house!! Woohoooo!
Thanks for letting me share my new baby pictures!
oh my..this post has stolen my heart..i am such an animal lover! thank for you these precious pictures, cats are so fun! enjoy your new little bundle :)
Nothing is cuter than a precious little kitten! We gave our fur babies our favorite names, not thinking we MAY want to use them for an actual baby in the future! lol!
My boyfriend’s family just adopted a new outside kitty! (Well, rather, it adopted them…you know, the stray that ends up on your back porch kind of thing.) My boyfriend got to name her and so I gave him a bunch of random cute names. (You know, things like Ava, Zephyr, ladybug…the like.) She ended up with “Kathula/Kathulu” which apparently roughly translates to “God(dess) of Terror”. Apparently, to him, naming a pet with anything to do terror/horror/houdini/etc is okay if it’s an outside pet. (My brother nicknamed his pet hamster “hamster houdini”….it lived up to its name. Never give them names or even nicknames you don’t want them to live up to.)
Needless to say, her “nickname” is Lulu. Fits well enough.
All my Syrian Teddy Bear Hamsters were Houdinis and since we have cats that was suicidal. Actually they got along. Our newest Hamster is a dwarf and he doesn’t try to escape. Houdini is a good name though. lol
He is ridiculously cute! Such a little poppit, congratulations on your new addition, hope he settles in to his new home soon.
Oh my… I love him!! Too cute :)
Oh my goodness! He is so precious and beyond cute!
Awwww, what a cute little guy! Have fun with the newest member of your family!
Congratulations on your new addition to the family, I just Love kitties! Keep us updated on pictures and let us know his name as soon as he has one. Too Cute! We have 2 cats that were rescue cats, I agree, they choose you!
Adorable!!! Oh my goodness, I want to rub his little belly.
He is so cute! I love giving pets people names. i chose my great grandpas names or middle names. They are funny names that I wouldn’t use for my kids, but I actually like! so our cats were Gus (from Gustav), Alfred and Erwin.
He’s so cute! He looks exactly like one of my kittens, Taffy. My other two are called Simba and Kaalu.
I guess you could call him Curio or Genie.
That’s not a new dresser!
He’s adorable! A name… um, Dexter? (no, not after the TV guy.) William? Chester? Turbo? Henry? Max? pfft.
The name will reveal itself to you after you spend some more time with him. Enjoy! He’s darling.
AAAWWW so sweet, he looks like my Pinky when she was small ♥ Love kittycats, they are so sweet lol Names??? NO idea I named Pinky because I love pink and she is a girly girl lol (yes she really is!!)
I think you should name him majesty! :-) he’s soooooo cute!
He is adorable! Sorry, I am not going to be much help. Our cats are named Monster and Boo…. before that we had Foamy and Soot. But I do have a cute puppy named PADi because I really wanted an ipad and my kids ‘surprised’ me! :) Good luck with a name!
So sweet! Kittens are the best. We’ve adopted 6 in our 6 years of marriage – we only have 3 right now. Ours have been named Ana and Kate (after characters on Lost, dorky I know..) Pouncey and Bella (after a Gator football player and Twilight) and King David and Solomon (Charlotte was learning about them in bible class :) Good luck and enjoy that sweet face :)
Oh my – he is just soooo cute!!! I love the new ‘little guy’ – lol, was definitely thinking baby :)
“Eat him up with a spoon”!!!!! He is so darn cute!!! Love little furry babies! Good for you going to shelter. Hate when people pay actual $$$$ for furry babies! My two came from a barn in the country
with a free kittens sign.
he’s adorable. we have 2 and love them both. different personalities, but so fun. enjoy… names, hard to name someone elses baby. ours Frankie, and Sookie. could have named him Bill, but he came around Halloween, short for Frankenstein.
how adorable!!! no time to craft, and with a kitty around….. you’ll have to chase your bobbins and threads !!aha!! <3
He is adorable. Congratulations. ISn’t it so easy to fall in love with them.
Too cute, and you cracked me up with your joke! Have a great day!
Miranda @ Just Drink a Coke.
As I gigantic cat lover I fully approve of this post. He is ADORABLE! I am terrible at naming things so I am no help there. I tend to lean towards non human names (like Jellybean) and my husband tends to lean towards human names (like Cleo.) What do you usually lean towards?
Oh Bev! These pictures are absolutely adorable! I’m horribly allergic to cats but can’t resist looking at cute pics like these. Congrats!
He’s adorable! My kitties names are Whiskey and Echo, but if I had a kitty named Xray I would probably name this new kitty Gamma so they match. :-)
sweet! he looks like my first cat Smokey (he got that name because he ate ashes from the fireplace) and then our late kitty Chica, not sure how she got that name I guess we thought it was cute (Spanish for girl). I would try to incorporate personality traits when naming. Our black & white cat got the name Elsie because she reminded me of a cow but then realized the Borden cow was brown & tan. oops!
yay! what a cutie! good luck with a name. go fun. go funky.
Congratulations Bev! He’s adorable! I don’t have a name suggestion — I think it’s one of those things where you have to get a feel for the personality of the cat. But I thought I’d share, just for fun, this fabulous T.S. Eliot Poem. Enjoy:
The Naming Of Cats by T. S. Eliot
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
First of all, there’s the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey–
All of them sensible everyday names.
There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter–
But all of them sensible everyday names.
But I tell you, a cat needs a name that’s particular,
A name that’s peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum-
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there’s still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;
The name that no human research can discover–
But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.
When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
His ineffable effable
Deep and inscrutable singular Name.
Adorable kitten! Don’t worry…I’m part of the ‘Bloggers Without Babies’ group, too! And plan on staying that way! LOL!
What a sweetie! I keep trying to convince my hubby we need a kitten, but he’s still not going for it. My favorite cat name was Archimedes – the owl from The Sword in the Stone – we called her ‘Medes.
We welcomed our new little kitten, “Nilla,” on Mother’s Day! She looks a lot like your adorable little furrry sweetie pie :) I presented her on the blog and got no comments – boo! Cause she is really cute. I’d love for you to come by and meet her since I know you are a cat lover too. Love your little guy – looks like so much fun!!! Love Laurie, Scene of the Grime
I think he looks like a cute little “Fella”.
so cute! so so so cute! makes me want a kitty cat. then i remember the little box that comes with that cutie :)
we had a kitty when i was growing up that looks like your little guy and his name was reggie :) what about chauncey or baxter or otto, merlin, oliver, louie? (all cat names from my family)
good luck naming him, he is precious. picking out pet names is so fun.
Too cute! A coworker named her cat Chopper. It took me months to name my dog (she was born in November and I got her the end of January so I had some time if not she would have been walking around without a name!) so won’t be much help there. Good luck! But I’m sure once you see his personality more the name will come to you. :)
He is SO adorable! That is the best kind of baby! <3
Nearly all my cats have come with names they're already used to–the sad thing is most of them have come from shelters, and were there long enough to get used to whatever name the shelter gave them. I don't know why, but he looks like a Charles to me! lol But I'm sure he'll let you know his name eventually–the last cat we adopted cried all the way home, and his cries sounded like 'Howard'…so now he's Howie!
Awwwwwww he’s so cute and he has an egyptian face like my Lulu did (she was my cat from 1990 to 1999). When we got Shasta and Pepsi we decided to just keep their names (the shelter named them) so that my daughter wouldn’t argue. We have a new hamster and first she named him Pancho so I call him Pancho Villa and now she wants to name it Babacanuch. I told her we can’t change his name. LOL Anyways, I’m sure the name will come to you. Enjoy! From a fellow cat lover, Katharine
CUTE!!!!!!!! New kitties are so much fun!!
He’s adorable! I’ve always wanted another cat, but for now I have dogs. I like the name Sterling for gray/silver cats.:)
He’s too cute :)
He is soooo cute! I have a house full and several fosters. They all have their own little personalities. Good for you for adopting from a shelter!
What about Owen? Scooter?
Your pictures are too cute! We adopted a 1 yr. old cat from the Humane Society this past January. We are totally in love with him–even my husband, who promised that he would not be “involved” with anything cat-related. Ha! Now that cat is wrapped around his little finger! My youngest son named our cat Carmine, after a video game character. But now that Carmine has had his name for several months, my kids keep coming up with names that we “should have” given him. And they want me to adopt more cats to fill those names! They like Wheatly, anything Harry Potter related and anything Lord of the Rings related. Personally, I’d like to name a cat “Mr. Darcy,” from Pride and Prejudice! Yes, we’re odd. I know. Best of luck with your adorable new addition!
bev…what an adorable cat…I just love him….I would like to call him Mr.Buttons though…dont his eyes look like beautiful crystals buttons…
Being a veterinary technician in my former life :) and animal lover I am happy to read that not only did you get him from a shelter but you also got him neutered and you are introducing him to your other cat the best way!! He is ADORABLE!!! I love gray/silver tabby kitties. As far as names go, I think he looks like a Henry. :)
Awwwww!!!! He is just too cute!!! I really wish I could give him a cuddle… How about Neko (means ‘cat’ in Japanese) or Tora (means ‘tiger’) for a simple and quirky name? Who knows, he might turn into a posh sushi eating cat one day :) Hope he settles down nicely soon; he is one lucky kitten to find such a nice home!
Oh-My-Goodness! I am a self proclaimed crazy cat lady with two furry children of my own. They were both shelter babies as well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new member of the family. He is SO cute and truly a beautiful cat. Great photos too!
He is adorable! I love the name Oliver and Elliot. He has gorgeous eyes. That second picture is making me think of a name but its just on the tip of my tongue so I think there is a name in that picture. I wish I wasn’t allergic to cats. He looks so cuddly!
I think you should name this little guy Tiger or Moofasa… something that might appear tough but just makes you laugh anyways.
He’s soooooooooooo cute!!
I had a cat years ago, she was left on a work site – – -I named her Murphy – (Murphy’s Law).
OMGosh! He’s adorable! Just look at those ears!! Such a lucky little guy to get to come live with you. I love rescues! :)
So stinking cute! I am normally not a cat person but this little guy is adorable! Congratulations to you!
What a lucky little kitty to have a new happy home like yours! When we adopted our rescue Pekingese my husband and I knew we wanted a tough guy name. He was severely abused, missing and eye, but still wanted affection despite being afraid of people at the time. We went through historical heroes, fictional heroes, mythology heroes but nothing seemed to fit. A Ramones song came on the radio on the long drive home which reminded me of Blitzkrieg Bop. I blurted out Blitzkrieg! My husband thought I meant the historical sense (the dog is speedy) and agreed. It wasn’t until the dog knew his name for several weeks that I fessed up to what really inspired the name.
How cute is he!? I LOVE cats! My cat’s have unique names, Mr. Meowgi, and Benjamin Kirkpatrick McGilicutty (he came with that name– we adopted him from Craigslist), but I think it depends a lot on the personality! Good luck with a name! Love his big beautiful eyes!!!
We have three cats, Screwdriver, Waffles, and Pepper, and two dogs, Pica(pronounced Peekuh) and Abbey. Yeah I know, Abbey (technically Abigail Rose) is kind of a boring name. But she’s pedigreed and I didn’t want her papers to be too odd. My cats were named by my little brother. Gotta love little brothers. No matter how many times we told him “no, Screwdriver is not her name”, it stuck, I can’t even remember the original name we picked.
He is SO CUTE!!
Our cat is close to 15 yrs old. She has no teeth (seriously), walks with a huge limp, but is still great company! She is a gray tabby too!
I so needed a smile and you just gave me one! I saw him and wanted to say Harry Potter… no idea why. I currently have two cats: Reggie and Tinkerbell and a pomeranian: Charlie. Tinkerbell got her name cuz she is super spunky, was going to name her Jewels or Joy or Ruby but my grandma suggested Tinkerbell and it fit. Charlie was going to be named October cuz it’s the month I bought him and he was obsessed with leaves… but Charlie is after all dogs go to heaven which I cry over! October ended up being his middle name! Anyway- took me two weeks to name Tink. His eyes make me think of a lion like Simba i the first two pics- but that’s not very original!
What a cute little guy!