I am so excited about the new addition to my sewing room! This beautiful girl is my new Baby Lock Regalia Long Arm Machine!

I have wanted a long arm machine for so long and I am thrilled to have one! One of the features I wanted most was a machine that had electronic capabilities so that I could set it up and let it go. So let me tell you all about it!
This is the Baby Lock Regalia with the Kinetic Frame and Pro Stitcher! The machine is huge, it works great for every quilt I’ve done. The frame is 10ft long and you can get a 2ft extension for it, but I haven’t needed it – all my quilts have fit great on it. And the Pro Stitcher is amazing! It comes with a ton of designs for quilting plus you can upload digital long arm designs. You don’t have to use the Pro Stitcher either, you can do free motion quilting with the machine too! I haven’t done much of that, but I’m looking forward to trying more.

I still have lots to learn about the machine but Baby Lock has tons of videos to teach about how to quilt, tips, tools and more. And even though I’m still learning, I’m so in love with how the quilting is going!
(Also, I couldn’t resist adding the cute Baby Lock stickers to dress up the machine. )
My New Baby Lock Regalia Long Arm Machine!

I quilted both of the quilts for Quilt Market. This is my Sunshine and Daisies quilt and so I picked sweet little daisy flowers for the quilting. There is something mesmerizing about watching the machine stitch out the designs!

I also quilted my Daisy a Day quilt with a sweet honeycomb design that has little bees on it!

Look how sweet this design is!

Having the Regalia is also great for smaller projects like the Flower Stand Table Runner I shared last week. It made quilting this runner so fast! I also love the little daisy design on it, it looks so great with the flower blocks!

I can’t recommend the machine enough – being able to finish my projects myself in my house is amazing. :) It’s also so satisfying – being able to choose the designs and then watch them be stitched at whatever size and style I want!
I will have lots more projects to share that I’ve quilted and this week I’ll be sharing the first quilt I quilted with the Regalia!
How Exciting!!
So excited for you. I have the HQ Amara with prostitcher. There is nothing better the being able to complete your own quilt. Lots of luck to you. Enjoy!
Congratulations! I guessed right! I’m so excited for you! I’d love to have a long arm! Maybe someday. I’d love to watch you working on your long arm. Maybe you could post a video sometime.❤️
What a beautiful machine! I love BabyLock products and am a loyal supporter of the brand. I have 4 BabyLocks!
I wish I had the room for a longarmer but my “happy place” craft room is full. Enjoy your new longarm machine. I know you will. Happy Quilting….and Congratulations!
Congratulations, I have the same exact set up and I absolutely love everything about it. It makes making a top so much more fun because you get to finish the whole quilt.My husband Quilts also, he absolutely loves the Babylock Regalia with ProStitcher . He finishes his whole quilt all the way through binding. Again, Congratulations.
She’s beautiful!! So happy for you.
I love that you now have the long arm ability. I have the Regalia as well. You are doing way better than me at learning it. I hope to see more inspriation from you. Congratulations to you!!
I have been looking at a Gammell but geez oh Pete! it is so expensive. So my quilt shop sells the Regalia I’ve been talking to them regarding perching this machine. Thank you for your input that helps a lot in my decision
Have you had issues with the Regalia’s needle going crazy? Because I have numerous issues with it. have to unplug it from the wall