In your bloggy travels have you run across Disney and her fabulous blog Ruffles and Stuff?
If not, I highly recommend spending some time looking through her site. I totally want to be her when I grow up. Oh wait – too late for that. I ‘m way older than she is. :)
Her blog is full of funny, creative, ruffly goodness, and right now she is focusing on Mother’s day, so there’s some great “Mom” posts. But if you browse through her tutorials there are tons of ideas there for Moms or anyone else really.
A few months ago she posted her version of a JCrew necklace. Here is hers:
Isn’t it fabulous? She has a great step-by-step tutorial that I was able to follow easily. I haven’t done much beading or jewelry work, but this was super simple. I don’t wear any gold jewelry really, so I tweaked mine just a bit. Here’s my version:
I used a black chain, black sheer ribbon, pearls, and some super cute beads I found at Michaels. They came in a package together with black and clear beads wrapped with black wire. Here’s a closeup.
It was super easy and I really like how it turned out. I’m not much of a necklace person but this was too cute to pass up.
So thanks Disney for the great tutorial!
Oh, your necklace turned out fabulously! I don’t think I’ve ever even come across black chain before, it looks lovely!! Thank you so much for the kind words, too :o)
Thanks Disney! Just learning from the master. :)
this looks pretty good
Visiting from NFF. Following you now. Love how this turned out! Come visit me and flollow @