Or boy? We’re not prejudiced against Creative Guys here!!
Well if you are – I have a Super. Exciting. Announcement for you!!
I’m so thrilled to let you know that I’m part of a team putting together an event for Southern California Bloggers!!
It’s called the SoCal Social and it is going to be on Saturday, October 8!
The team is made up of Viv from The V Spot, Holly from 504 Main, and me!!
We have been watching all the fabulous Girl’s Night Outs, Meetups, and Events going on – and we decided it was time for SoCal to represent!
(Though we won’t boot you if you aren’t from Southern Califonia. :) Anyone is welcome!!
We are still in the planning stages but we will be updating the fun new SoCal Social blog with details as they come available!
We will let you know location, cost, and registration info as soon as we can. (We promise to keep costs as low as we can!!)
So here’s the deal – we need your help!!
Are you a SoCal Blogger? Sign in on the Roll Call! We want to get to know you!!
We would also love it if you could help us spread the word – even if you aren’t from here! Every little tweet/post/FB shoutout helps. ;)
JEALOUS!!!!! :)
that’s my birthday…maybe that means i should fly in from philly, lol. stupid expensive airfare!
Yay! I’m in! :)
Sounds cool, Bev! Can’t wait to hear the details!
Sooooooo there Bev! Headed to sign the blog roll now…FUN!
Signed the roll call, this is so exciting!
Definitely count me in! Very much looking forward to it. :)
Sounds fun!!
How exciting! This NorCal girl will be in SoCal just a few weeks before…darn wish my visit overlapped with this!
I am in! I hope…no I am committing.