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Amber says
I don’t understand
Terry says
I have to tell you, I was browsing around blog land today searching out any tutorials that looked interesting. I found one “somewhere” and low and behold, it was yours. A wraparound watch made from a skinny belt. I loved it, like I love all your other tutorials. I’ve only made one, the Anthro Knock off with linen and pears. My mom wasnt interested until she saw mine then asked me to make her one. She added “I have bunco tomorrow, I could wear it then!”
rosie says
I have been making a slouchy lined bag with a zipper, but without a pattern, and I didn’t know how to put it all together. I have just found your instructions and I am thrilled! Thank you so much.
Rosie (UK)
Ann V says
Hi there, from Pinterest, I have your tutorial of the 4 hour summer hobo bag but missed the free pattern that you offered. Would you be able to forward this pattern to my e mail address, as I would really, really like to make this bag, Regards Ann V Swan Hill Vict.
Beverly says
You can download the pattern from the page the tutorial is on: It’s right under the list of materials.