Well, I’m very excited, my first post. I have been soo inspired by all the creative things people come up with. So I thought I’d start my blog off with some photos of things I’ve made, along with the links to the blogs if I can find them. I’m looking forward to this adventure and I’d love to hear any comments or feedback on the site. Also, any suggestions for a newbie would be MUCH appreciated. And thanks for bearing with me while I get used to all this – I’ll probably make tons of mistakes as I go, but that’s part of the fun of learning something new, right?
Toadstool Pincushions from the super cute pattern at the little house by the sea. She provides a tutorial too. There are also some great versions on Flickr for embroidery ideas.
Burlap Clip Frame – sort of taken from this tutorial at Shanty2Chic. I’m redoing our downstairs bathroom with turquoise and browns. Future projects will need to be done in there – nowhere near finished!
My Giant Twine covered “M”. Not really based on a tutorial, but there’s a million things out there covered in twine, so not exactly a new idea either. Mr. F.T. (Mr. Flamingo Toes is just too crazy, so I had to shorten it) thinks it’s just too big. It’s huge – 24″ – but it’s weird how much I love it. So it’s staying. Right on the mantel where I can smile every time I see it.
Mushroom BunnyCutting – from the awesome website Scherenschnitte. Take some time to look around, she has some super cute images to try. This one’s not perfect by any means (don’t look to close) but I like it anyway. So “Springy”.
Birthday Outfits – based on this cute tutorial at Lil Blue Boo. I needed to make two, because it was a combined birthday. Also, it was warm so I went for short sleeves. I kept the 1st birthday outfit pretty close to the tutorial, but for the 3rd birthday outfit, I used a regular white t-shirt and some brown pants I found on clearance at Target. I cut about 3″ off the bottoms of the legs and added the sprinkle fabric as a ruffle. I also added a little ruffle inside the pockets.
Thanks for browsing through – I’m excited about trying more new things and sharing them here. Woo hoo!
Love the Bday outfits, so adorable!! Looking forward to seeing all your creations :smile:
I have enjoyed reading your blog entries, and am tickled that I got here in time for week ONE. I don’t normally read blogs since I am always at work or running errands for the family, but in a few spare moments, I found you thru your link to Favorite Things.
Reading along, I was enjoying your story about your candleholder creation (yes, the primer coat was worth it) when suddenly I was devastated at the loss of the big bird crash (especially since the point of the candleholder was for the bird. Such is life. But I liked that you added that part of the story. Very real, and maybe the bird was just around to get you started.
I cheer you on as you start the blogging. Very nice craft collection posted so far. Love the colors and look of your pages and especially how you are honoring God with your mission statement. I will check back in on you.
I have fleetingly considered creating my own page, but don’t know how or what I would have to say on it. So it will be interesting to watch yours develop. Glad to be one of your first followers.
So much cute stuff and I love that you make your own versions of things you like. Very creative. I am also a new blogger and wish you the best with your site.