Am I the only weird mom out there that gets bummed out at Back to School time?
I love having the kids home for summer.
Today’s the last day before School starts and I’m all mopey. :)
So let’s do some happy stuff, k?
I have a winner to announce for the Freckles Crafts Giveaway of the personalized tote and darling holiday craft kits!!
The winner is:
Don’t you like my snazzy winner’s graphic I made? Me too. :)
In other happy news – I was able to Guest Post yesterday over at The Answer is Chocolate!! You can head over there and check out my latest love – which is not-so-surprisingly an Anthro Necklace Knockoff.
I love all the rings!
There I feel better now.
I’ll be back soon-ish with my cute clock makeover!!
Happy Monday! :)
We home schooled. Would hear some families saying how relieved they were that kids were going back to school and we felt sorry for them. Not sure why people happy when their children are gone. Even today with 3 adult children, my heart is full of joy when they come to visit. We have many families in our circle who’s children have died. Each day is so precious, and No you are not weird … Not one bit!
Bev, I saw the tutorial over at TAIC! I love it and I want to try it!! Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about getting sad the kids are going back to school. My kids go back next Tuesday:( Have a great week!
Kool ‘WINNER’ design. I like!
You seriously never seize to amaze me with your talents! You really are incredible! I would love it if you would share this and/or any other projects you have been up to at Tuesday Talent Show at Chef In Training Tomorrow! Plus there is going to be a fun giveaway too! Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!
We were all homeschooled as children, I don’t have kids of my own yet but my mom used to always say I can’t imagine sending you off to school. So I completely understand how you could be sad. Your probably a very close family. Also cute design!
Congrats to the winner…what a pretty necklace!