This Giveaway is Now Closed. Thanks!! :)
Well I am super excited about this giveway!!
I am so excited to introduce you to my baby sister’s Etsy shop – Sewin’ Girl!
Cindy has just recently opened up her shop – and she has filled it with the sweetest little items – she calls them Snugglies!
They are super soft little minky blankets in fun shapes – like taggies or lovies but with cute designs and fabrics!
They also have darling looped matching ribbons for your little ones to play with!
She can also add crinkle fabric to some of the shapes – for an extra little bonus.
And I am so in love with the cute little shapes!
Look at this fun little owl – I love the design of the fabric – and look at those little ribbon feet and cute eyes!
I think this little Giraffe is one of my favorites!! The little ribbons down the neck just kill me.
This one would be perfect for a little boy or girl!
Maybe there’s a little cowboy in your life? This little boot would be perfect!! She also has it in dark brown and pink – for those cute little cowgirls!
She has something for everyone!! I love the bow on this little sweet kitty – and her little heart-shaped ears!
This little Fly With Me Airplane snugglie is so cute! It would make a perfect shower gift too!
She has so many more too – sports shapes, noah’s ark, monkeys and lions and bears . . oh my!
Cindy is giving away to a lucky FT reader any single Snugglie of their choice!
And if you don’t have a baby or toddler, these make fabulous baby and shower gifts! They are so unique and sweet.
Here’s how to enter!
Required Entry:
Head over to Sewin’ Girl and take a look around! Come back here and comment with your favorite Snugglie!
Extra Bonus Entries:
~ Like Sewin’ Girl on Facebook – leave a comment letting me know.
~ Heart the Sewin’ Girl Etsy shop – leave a comment letting me know.
~ Blog, Tweet, Share on Facebook! Leave a comment (and a link to the share) for each thing you do!
Thanks so much for entering!
I’ll be announcing the winner on May 7!
I think so many are so adorable I would have to say my favorite is a toss us between the puppy and Noah’s Ark.
I liked sewin’ girl on facebook.
It seems I have a problem with owls, I love all of them, but the Whooo Loves You Owl Snugglie in brown is lovely…
From Spain
I already added the shop to my favorites in etsy
I like Sewin’ Girl on Facebook
These are so cute! My 2 1/2 year old still sleeps with her taggy. :-) I would love to have one for our new little one on the way. The Who Loves You Owl is my favorite!!
I love all, but my favorite it is Whooo Loves You Crinkle Owl Snugglie, oh is soooooooo cute!!!! I love owls and love turquoise color, so, you can imagine……
I already added the shop to my favorites in etsy, hello from the South of Spain.
I “like” Sewin’ Girl in Facebook too!!!!
I shared Sewin’ Girl in Facebook. My comment it is in Spanish but it means that I love all the things she make for babies.
I’m torn between the giraffe and the elephant. SO cute!!
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Added to faves on Etsy!
I think my favorite is the dinosaur! The horse and boot would be perfect for my new neice. The monkey and giraffe would be perfect for my friends boys. Noah’s ark is fantastic and so creative!
I hearted her shop!
Circus Elephant is my favorite. I love all of them, but I have a special love for Elephants
I “liked” her on Facebook!
Love the elephant ones. Our new daughter would love it.
Those are the cutest snugglies ever. I have only seen them in geometric shapes. I love the elephant the best but they are all so cute.
I love the little monkey for a boy!
I “liked” her on Facebook!!
I “hearted” her on Etsy!!
I love the airplane I know just the baby to give it to!!
We love the Dog Gone Cute!
Favorited Sewin’ Girl on Etsy as ConnieGRG2
I follow Sewin’ Girl on Facebook as CGruning
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com
Oh, I like the woo loves you owl, so cute but for the baby I have in mind I’d pick the adorable monkey.
I ‘hearted’ sewing girl on etsy.
I ‘liked’ sewing girl on facebook.
Oh my gosh – all the Snugglies are so cute! I believe my favorite is “Monkey See Monkey Do.”
I “hearted” Sewin’ Girl” ‘s Etsy shop.
I added SewinGirl as a favorite on Facebook.
I LOVE the owls, they’re adorable. The giraffe is cute too. Hard to pick a favorite, they’re all really very cute!
They’re all so fabulous! I think my favorites are Who Loves You and Monkey See MOnkey Do :) great giveaway!
Liked her shop on facebook.
I like her on fb :)
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So many cute snugglies, but the monkey is my fav hands down!!
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Oh my word! so hard to pick just one! I think I like the monkey and the giraffe the best though. They are adorable!
They are all so cute! I especially love the giraffe, elefant and whale.
I adore the pretty in pink bird!
I liked Sewin’ Girl on FB!
They are all so cute, but I love the horse one for my little girl.
I favorited (hearted) the Sewin’ Girl on Etsy!
i liked her facebook shop!
i hearted her etsy shop
these are too cute. I love the little Monkey and the guitar too. how fun. facebooked about it
I like the monkey or the bird so cute!
OMG these are the cutest things EVER! I want a couple to put in MY bedroom…haha! But seriously…the Whooo Loves You Owl Crinkle Snugglie would be the one I would choose for my grandson. He loves soft blankies, but also loves things that crinkle, so this would be perfect! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win such an adorable prize. Fingers crossed that I win!! :)
[email protected]
I ‘like Sewin’ Girl on Facebook. (Jackie Reini)
[email protected]
Owls are great. I also like the whale; but all of them are so cute:)
I added Sewin’ Girl as a favorite on Etsy. (Jackie Reini)
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I tweeted about this giveaway here:!/JackieReini/status/198128467869573120
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OMG these are so cute! My daughter loves her crinkle toys. I think the owl is the cutest, but the pink bird is a close second.
I heart on etsy as kirbycolby.
I shared on twitter. Thank you!!/Aerated/status/198155200484225024
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I “Liked” Sewin Girl on facebook
My favorite “Snugglie” is the Cowboy boot. My first great grandchild will arrive June 27 and he would love the cowboy boot, Thank you.
There are so many adorable things in her shop! My top three favorites are the dinosaur, the whale and the giraffe.
I also liked Sewing Girl on Facebook
And I favorited her etsy shop
love the Flower Power Pink Lovebug Snugglie
I really like the owls.
I love the “who loves you?” owl crinklie in pink. I have a friend expecting a girl, her first baby, this month!
I <3 Sewin Girl Etsy Shop.
I linked and commented Sewing Girl to Facebook
Those are just adorable and what’s funny is something very similar to what I was going to make for my Granddaughter when I get her blankets and bibs made hopefully soon. I would LOVE to win one and make my life much easier. Her Momma loves teal so the “Whooo Loves You Crinkle Owl Snugglie” in that gorgeous teal/turquoise color would be awesome. I love so many of them, especially that adorable elephant too but that owl is the best. I hope your sister does really well.
I love the elephant ones! The are so cute!!
I liked (hearted) Sewing Girl on etsy!
I liked her on FB!
These snugglies are so precious. I want one for me and to buy the patterns also??
I love LOVE her stuff! I can’t decide if I like the guitar or elephant or monkey more! I hope I win, my baby would love one!
I already “liked” her on FB!
<3 ed her shop on Etsy :)
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Loooooving the giddyup horse snugglie…perfect for my little girl!
Liked on Facbook!
Hearted you on Etsy! :)
So many adorable ones to choose from, but I love the yellow baby giraffe the best!!
Tweeted: Giveaway with Sewin’ Girl Snugglies!
I also ‘liked’ Sewin’ Girl on F.B.!!
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Love the Cozy Cowboy Boot Snugglie
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I heart the shop
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
Loving the fun and fluffy ice cream cone snugglie!!
My favorite is the monkey see monkey do girl snugglie. Your sister has a sweet shop! I love all the creative choices she has come up with! :)
I liked Sewin’ Girl on facebook!
I made her shop on etsy one of my favorites. :)
Think these are all so creative and practical for the wee ones. Love the Circus Elephant especially!
I like em all!!
Oh that Monkey See is adorable!
I Like Sewin’ Girl on Facebook
I Heart the Sewin’ Girl Etsy shop
I think the sweet elephant may be my favorite – but the owl is so cute too! Love them all! What an awesome little shop!
I “liked” on Facebook!
also “hearted” on etsy!
shared on facebook, too!
Definitely the dinosaur!
Like on FB.
Love the Circus Elephant Snugglie! so cute and i’m LOVE Elephants!
Liked Sewin’ Girl on Facebook!
How adorable!!! I love all of them but if I must choose – I like the Circus Elephant Crinkle Snugglie. Thanks for sharing info on this great Etsy site!! AJ@querenofmynest
I love the horse! Thanks, [email protected]
I added shop to my favorites! Thanks, [email protected]
They’re all so adorable but I think the football and the cowboy boot are my favorites. My cousin’s little baby would love this!
Just liked Sewin’ Girl on Facebook!
Oh my gosh! These are super cute! My best friend just had a baby girl yesterday, and the nursery is a jungle/ animal theme! I’d pick the giraffe or elephant!
Liked Sewin’ Girl on Facebook!
I absolutely love the elephants with the brightly colored ears. So cute! She has some really unique shapes which is very cool.
I also favorites her shop on etsy.
I am in love with the owl. They are all so cute.
I love the cute whale!!! Thanks for such a fabulous giveaway!! :)
I liked Sewin’ Girl on fb!!
They are all so adorable, but I just LOVE that elephant!